Analysis of Effect of Importance Sampling to Monte Carlo Simulation Efficiency
摘要: 以一种在研放射性气溶胶能谱测量装置为例,分析重要性采样方法对蒙特卡罗计算效率的影响。通过在无偏倚计算中引入偏差控制参数,将对粒子极角的均匀抽样转换为对数抽样,为了得到无偏计算结果而对粒子权重值进行调整,在软件中实现重要性采样方法。重要性采样方法及其计算公式完全在程序Geant4的基础上实现,并利用该软件分析了偏差参数对计算效率的影响。计算结果表明,重要性采样方法能够显著提高蒙特卡罗计算的效率,但是实际应用中偏差参数的取值不应过大。Abstract: Based on a kind of radioactive aerosol spectrum monitor, the effect of importance sampling to Monte Carlo computing efficiency was analyzed in the paper. In order to transform the sampling method of polar angle from uniform sampling to logarithm sampling, one bias parameter was introduced in the analog simulation, and the weighted value of particle was adjusted finally to obtain correct results. In this way, the importance sampling method was implemented in the software. The importance sampling method was fully implemented in Geant4, and the effect of bias parameter on the computing efficiency was analyzed too. Simulation results indicated that the efficiency of simulation was largely improved by the importance sampling method, and the value of bias parameter should not be too large in practice.
Key words:
- Importance sampling /
- Monte Carlo method /
- Radioactive aerosol
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