Calculation of Activation Source Terms of Reactor Components for Decommissioned Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 介绍一种核电厂反应堆构件退役活化源项的计算方法和计算结果及其初步验证。在对ORIGEN2程序的一群核反应截面进行修改后,采用蒙特卡罗程序(MCNP)和ORIGEN2程序相结合方法计算反应堆构件的退役活化源项。计算结果表明:退役反应堆构件的活化源项包括6~7种主要核素,随着构件材料成分和与堆芯距离的不同,主要活化源项的核素种类和数量发生显著变化;计算辐照监督管活化样品比活度并与测量数据进行对比,结果显示修正截面后的计算值与测量值符合得很好(相对偏差在20%以内),而未修正截面的计算值与测量值符合得较差,从而验证了本文所述方法的适用性。Abstract: This paper presents a method and results of predicting activation source terms of reactor components for NPP decommissioning and its preliminary verification. Through the modification of the one-group neutron reaction cross sections of ORIGEN2, the source terms from activation of reactor components were calculated using the codes of MCNP/ORIGEN2. The results revealed that there were 6 or 7 nuclides which mainly constitute the source terms and the nuclides and their amounts vary significantly with the material composition and the distance to the reactor core of the components. Specific activity of activation samples in a reactor vessel irradiation surveillance capsule were calculated and compared to the measurement data. The comparison indicated that the values calculated with the modification of cross sections agreed well with the measured data within a difference range of 20% while the values calculated without modification of cross sections agreed badly, which verified the applicability of the calculation method presents by this paper.
Key words:
- Reactor /
- Decommissioning /
- Activation source term /
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