Demonstration Experiment for Graphite Material Irradiation in HFETR
摘要: 钍基熔盐堆石墨材料辐照考验目标为:中子注量为5×1020cm-2(±15%)(E>0.1 Me V),堆内辐照试验温度650℃(允许偏差±50℃)。为了满足辐照考验要求,在高通量工程试验反应堆(HFETR)第92-I炉的K07孔道进行辐照验证试验。该验证试验辐照装置采用分段构成的型式,主要由辅助密封段、辐照试验段、气管组件3部分构成,辐照罐外围为去离子水,辐照罐内为惰性气体用于控制辐照试验温度。使用MCNP程序对各样品中子注量进行预示计算,同时在辐照装置阳面和阴面都布置了探测器进行中子注量测量。试验表明:在辐照试验过程中,在辐照装置调气系统最佳导热模式下辐照温度略高于上限700℃;利用MCNP程序预示计算中子注量结果为5.7×1020cm-2(E>0.1 Me V),而中子注量测量结果为4.83×1020cm-2(E>0.1 Me V),基本满足石墨材料辐照考验中子注量要求。
- 钍基熔盐堆 /
- 石墨材料 /
- 辐照考验 /
- 高通量工程试验反应堆(HFETR)
Abstract: Neutron fluence irradiation goal of graphite material of solid fuel thorium molten salt reactor is 5×1020cm-2(±15%)(E>0.1 Me V, relatively temperature 650℃±50℃). An irradiation experiment was carried out to assure irradiation condition. The assembly of graphite material is modularized designed which is composed of the sealed part, the irradiation part, and the gas cooling system. The neutron fluence was calculated by MCNP code, and neutron indicators were installed in the graphite irradiation assembly so well. The irradiation result shows that the gas cooling system maintained the assembly temprature a little higher than the upper limit, and the MCNP method served well in neutron fluence calculating of graphite material irradiation in HFETR.-
Key words:
- Solid fuel thorium molten salt reactor /
- Graphite material /
- Irradiation test /
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