Different designs of ~
3He gas screen structure are modeled and analyzed with MCNP code along with the PRT(Power Ramp Test) device installed in a HFETR core. Based on the neutronics computation results, the designs are evaluated quantitatively with a multi-objective evaluation method. The results show that when the location of the ~
3He gas screen is fixed, the design with a thicker ~
3He gas layer has a lower fuel rod power. Variation range of the test fuel rod power is acceptable when the ~
3He gas screen has a ~
3He gas layer with the thickness as 2 to 5 mm. When the distance from the fuel rod to the ~
3He gas screen with a 3 mm thick gas layer is larger, the ~
3He gas screen has less control of the test fuel rod power for a higher thermal neutron flux level in the rod and a larger reactivity addition during the test. Based on the marks by a quantitatively evaluation method, the optimal design of ~
3He gas screen structure with a 3 mm thick ~
3He gas layer and 2 mm thick annual inner flow channel, is identified for a PRT device and a typical HFETR core arrangement.