MCNP5 program can be used to model the electronic accelerator driven sub critical system, the cross section database which used by MCNP5 that lacks photonuclear data of some radionuclides. We use the NJOY program to process seven nuclei photonuclear data from ENDFB-Ⅶ in the original photonuclear data into MCNP5 using ACE format, and use MCNP5 to build a model to calculate the photoneutron cross section, to get the curve of the photonetron cross section with the photon energy, and compare with the cross section curve of each nuclear data center. The results show that the manufacturing process of nuclide cross section is correct and most of the data processed by the nuclide are correct, but the photoneutron reaction cross sections of
58Ni and
91Zr were different in different databases.