Study on Logic of Reactor Coolant Pump Interlock in HPR1000 Nuclear Power Unit
摘要: 主泵是核电厂反应堆一回路系统的核心设备,其能否安全稳定运行关系到核电厂的核安全问题。华龙一号作为我国自主研发的第三代核电机组,其对反应堆一回路的安全性有着很高要求。本文针对华龙一号福清核电厂5&6号机组主泵的联锁控制逻辑,结合以往核电厂运行经验,对该联锁控制逻辑是否满足华龙一号安全性设计需求的问题进行了分析研究。其意义在于消化吸收国外先进设计理念,总结经验,从而尽早实现主泵全面国产化目标。Abstract: Reactor coolant pump(RCP) is one of the key devices in the reactor coolant system in nuclear power Unit. The safety and stability of the RCP concerns the safety of the nuclear power plant. HPR1000 is the third generation nuclear power plant developed by China on self-reliance,with severe requirements for the safety. In this paper, we described the interlock logic of HPR1000(FUQING NPP UNITS 5&6 PROJECT). Combining with the experiences from the previous nuclear power plants, we analyze and demonstrate whether the interlock logic satisfies the safety requirements in HPR1000. It is of great importance in the assimilation of the advanced design theories in other countries, thus to accumulate the experiences and achieve the domestic production of the reactor coolant pump as soon as possible.
Key words:
- HPR1000 /
- Reactor coolant pump /
- Interlock logic /
- Safety
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