The code developed on self-reliance was used to perform the conceptual design of the sodium cooled standing wave reactor. To reduce the power peak of the inner core, the radial partition design was used. To control the radial power distribution, the outward fuel shuffling strategy was adopted. MCNP-ORIGEN coupled code MCORE was applied to perform the core physical analysis. The results show that the core and assembly in different positions reach equilibrium state after 30 fuel shuffling steps; the reactivity and multiplication coefficient only fluctuate with the fuel shuffling, and the power and the neutron fluence, shaped like M, mainly concentrate in the intermediate region of the inner core, with low power peak; the nuclide density of
239Pu gradually increases along the radial direction of the inner core from inside to outside, and the nuclide density distribution of fission products is opposite with that of
238U; the equilibrium cycle discharged burn-up and maximum discharged burn-up of the core are 27.6% and 29.3%,respectively.