Comparative Analysis of Critical Velocities of Inter-tube Oscillation and Reverse Flow in Inverted U-tube Steam Generator under Single-phase Conditions
摘要: 为了提高核反应堆系统的安全性与经济性,本文通过实验研究了单相工况下倒U型管管间脉动临界与倒流临界之间的关系。基于对实验数据的处理,获得了不同工况下的管间脉动临界流速与倒流临界流速,并对2种不稳定性的临界流速进行了比较。结果表明,在本实验工况下,管间脉动临界流速总是高于倒流临界流速,其比值最高可达1.46;该比值随着一次侧入口温度的升高和回路阻力的减小而增大,随着二次侧冷却水流量的增大而增大,但增幅逐渐减小;回路阻力对脉动具有显著的抑制作用,在回路阻力较小时,可能发生较为严重的管间脉动。Abstract: In order to improve the safety and cost-effectiveness of nuclear reactor system, the authors study experimentally the relationship between the inter-tube oscillation criticality and reverse criticality in inverted U-shaped tube under single phase condition. By processing the experimental data, the authors then obtain and compare the critical velocities of inter-tube oscillation and reverse flow under different conditions. The results show that under the experimental conditions, the critical velocity of inter-tube oscillation is always higher than that of reverse flow, and the ratio of the former to latter one reaches up to 1.46. It increases with the rise of the inlet temperature of the primary side and the fall of the loop resistance, as well as with the increase of the cooling water flow on the secondary side, but at a gradually decreasing rate. Also, the results indicate that the loop resistance can significantly limit the oscillation, and that a serious inter-tube oscillation may occur at a low loop resistance.
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