Experimental Study on Sensitivity of PRHR Pipeline Break Location on ACME Test Facility
摘要: 为研究先进非能动(AP)型核电厂在非能动系统失效条件下的安全性能,利用我国先进堆芯冷却机理整体试验台架(ACME)开展了非能动余热排出(PRHR)管线破口失水试验研究,分析了主要的试验进程和破口位置对事故过程各阶段关键参数的影响。结果表明,ACME PRHR管线破口试验进程与冷管段小破口失水事故(SBLOCA)进程基本一致,再现了非能动核电厂自然循环阶段、自动卸压系统(ADS)喷放阶段和安全壳内置换料水箱(IRWST)安注阶段的安全特性;在不同破口位置的试验中,非能动堆芯冷却系统(PXS)均可保证堆芯得到补水,堆芯活性区始终处于混合液位以下;破口位置对ACME LOCA事故进程、反应堆冷却剂系统(RCS)初期降压速率、PRHR热交换器(HX)流量、喷放流量、堆芯液位、IRWST安注流量等参数具有显著影响,对堆芯补水箱(CMT)和蓄压安注箱(ACC)安注流量的影响较小。
- 小破口失水事故(SBLOCA) /
- 先进堆芯冷却机理整体试验台架(ACME)台架 /
- 整体效应试验 /
- PRHR管线
Abstract: To study the safety performance of the advanced passive (AP) nuclear power plant (NPP) under passive system failure condition, the experimental study on the loss of coolant from the passive residual heat removal (PRHR) pipeline break is performed by the advanced core-cooling mechanism experiment (ACME) facility, during which the effect of main test sequences and break location on the key parameters in different phases of the accident is analyzed. As demonstrated by the study results, the ACME PRHR pipeline break test sequences, basically same as those for the small-break loss of coolant accident (SBLOCA) of the cold leg, reproduce the safety characteristics in the natural circulation phase of the passive NPP, blowout phase of the automatic depressurization system (ADS) and safety injection (SI) phase of the in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST); in the test at different break locations, the passive core cooling system (PXS) can always ensure the water makeup for core and the core active region remains below the mixed liquid level; and the break locations have notable effect on the ACME LOCA accident sequence, initial depressurization rate of reactor coolant system (RCS), PRHR heat exchanger (HX) flow, blowout flow, core level, IRWST SI flow and other parameters, and have little impact on the SI flow of the core makeup tank (CMT) and accumulator (ACC).-
Key words:
- ACME facility /
- Integral effect test /
- PRHR pipeline
表 1 ACME LOCA试验工况初始及边界条件
Table 1. Initial and Boundary Conditions of ACME LOCA Test
参数 各工况数值 LOCA-01 LOCA-02 LOCA-03 堆芯功率/MW 3.34 3.12 3.17 稳压器压力/MPa 9.08 9.07 9.09 环路平均温度/℃ 291.5 291.2 291.4 稳压器液位/m 1.61 1.45 2.14 SG二次侧压力/MPa 6.99 6.98 6.97 SG二次侧液位/m 3.62 3.64 3.65 IRWST液位/m 3.55 3.55 3.55 ACC液位/m 1358 1382 1371 CMT内水温/℃ 30.0 33.7 28.8 IRWST水温/℃ 56.4 54.2 55.9 等效破口直径/cm 5 5 5 其他条件 底部破口,非稳压器侧1个ADS4失效 SG—蒸汽发生器 表 2 ACME LOCA试验主要时序
Table 2. Major Sequences of ACME LOCA Test
台架设备动作 时间/s LOCA-01 LOCA-02 LOCA-03 试验开始(S信号) 0 0 0 破口阀打开 5 4 0 SG蒸汽关闭 2 5 2 CMT安注阀开启 1 5 2 PRHR隔离阀开启 3 10 2 ACC安注阀开启 692 750 738 ADS1开启 586 624 664 ADS2开启 650 686 726 ADS3开启 717 755 795 IRWST安注阀开启 1375 1399 1439 ADS4-1A开启 失效 失效 失效 ADS4-2A开启 1374 1399 1439 ADS4-1B、ADS4-2B开启 1409 1434 1475 IRWST注入 1503 1531 1567 IRWST向主地坑反冲阀开启 15193 14089 14849 IRWST向主地坑反冲结束 15516 14483 15191 试验结束 15668 14710 15654 表 3 ACME LOCA试验测量误差
Table 3. Measurement Error of ACME LOCA Test
仪表 测量参数 最大测量误差 热电偶 温度 ±1.1℃ 压力变送器 压力 ±0.12% 差压变送器 差压 ±0.065% 差压变送器 液位 ±0.065% 导波雷达液位计 混合液位 ±3 mm 磁翻板液位计 CMT液位 ±10 mm 差压流量计 液体流量 ±1% 涡街流量计 蒸汽流量 ±1% -
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