Study on the Concept of Organic-Cooled Microreactor
摘要: 为了对有机工质冷却核反应堆概念进行研究,本文首先分析了有机工质作为反应堆冷却剂和慢化剂的重要特征和关键技术问题,以及主要有机工质冷却核反应堆技术方案,在此基础上,开展了5 MW微型堆芯中子学特性研究。研究结果表明,在相同堆芯布置条件下,有机工质冷却核反应堆慢化剂温度系数绝对值小于压水堆,功率分布更加平坦。本文研究成果可以为我国正在大力发展的多用途微型核反应堆电源及供热系统技术路线选择提供重要参考。Abstract: In order to study the concept of organic-cooled reactor, this paper firstly analyzes the important characteristics and key technical problems of the organic fluid used as the reactor coolant and moderator, as well as the main technical schemes for organic-cooled reactors. On this basis, this paper studies the neutronic characteristics of the 5 MW microreactor core. As shown in the study, under the same core layout conditions, the absolute value of the moderator temperature coefficient of the organic-cooled reactor is below that of the pressurized water reactor (PWR), and the power distribution is more flat. The study results from this paper can provide an important reference for the determination of the technology roadmap for multi-purpose microreactor power supplies and heating systems, which are rapidly developed in China.
Key words:
- Organic fluid /
- Reactor /
- Neutronic characteristics
表 1 C12H10的物性参数
Table 1. Physical Properties of C12H10
力/MPa93 0.9739 0.9769 0.1367 0.0004 149 0.9307 1.0932 0.1315 0.0048 204 0.8842 1.2793 0.1263 0.0290 260 0.8378 1.4189 0.1212 0.1124 316 0.7849 1.5119 0.1160 0.3241 371 0.7272 1.5584 0.1108 0.7585 427 0.6552 1.6049 0.1056 1.5307 482 0.5542 1.6049 0.1004 2.7580 -
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