Study on Electrochemical Decontamination of 60Co Contamination on the Stainless Steel Surface
摘要: 核设施退役与三废治理过程中会产生大量表面被沾污的不锈钢金属部件,作业环境和人员将面临潜在的放射性污染和受照剂量问题。针对不锈钢金属表面的60Co污染问题,设计了手持式电化学试验装置对不锈钢表面污染进行合理有效的原位去污;采用正交实验法优化电解液浓度、电流密度和电极间距等电化学工艺参数,并对不锈钢表面60Co污染进行去污验证。研究结果表明,本文建立的电化学原位去污方法具有去污时间短、效率高等优点;在电解时间为30 s、电解液为10 mol/L硝酸、电流密度为0.3 A/cm2、电极间距为0.4 cm的条件下,此方法对不锈钢表面60Co污染的去污效率可达99.9%以上,腐蚀深度大于10 μm,可使污染降低至环境本底辐射水平。Abstract: During the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the ‘three wastes’ treatment, a large number of stainless steel metal parts will be produced, and the working environment and personnel will face the problems of potential radioactive contamination and exposure dose. Aiming at the problem of 60Co contamination on the surface of stainless steel, a portable electrochemical test device was designed to remove the contamination on the surface of stainless steel effectively. The orthogonal experiment method was used to optimize electrochemical process parameters such as electrolyte concentration, current density and electrode spacing, and to verify the decontamination of 60Co contamination on the surface of stainless steel. The results show that the electrochemical in-situ decontamination method established in this paper has the advantages of short decontamination time and high efficiency; Under the conditions of electrolysis time of 30 s, electrolyte of 10 mol / L nitric acid, current density of 0.3 A/cm2 and electrode spacing of 0.4 cm, the decontamination efficiency of this method for 60Co contamination on stainless steel surface can reach more than 99.9%, and the corrosion depth is more than 10 μm, which can reduce the contamination to the environmental background radiation level.
表 1 因素水平表
Table 1. The Factors and Levels Table
水平号 因素A[电解液
(电极间距/cm)1 A1(6) B1(0.1) C1(0.4) 2 A2(8) B2(0.3) C2(0.6) 3 A3(10) B3(0.5) C3(1.0) 表 2 电化学正交试验结果
Table 2. Results of Electrochemical Orthogonal Test
试验编号 因素 氧化膜厚度/μm A B C 1 A1 B1 C1 29.2 2 A1 B2 C2 17.2 3 A1 B3 C3 5.2 4 A2 B1 C2 53.2 5 A2 B2 C3 15.2 6 A2 B3 C1 121.2 7 A3 B1 C3 150.2 8 A3 B2 C1 206.2 9 A3 B3 C2 149.2 表 3 电化学性能正交试验分析
Table 3. Analysis of Ectrochemical Performance Orthogonal Test
因素 A B C K1 /μm 51.6 232.6 356.6 K2/μm 189.6 238.6 219.6 K3/μm 505.6 275.6 170.6 注:K1、K2、K3—水平号为 1、2、3时对应因素下的氧化膜厚度之和 表 4 极差分析表
Table 4. Range Analysis Table
极差 RA RB RC 氧化膜厚度/μm 454 43 186 注:R—极差,R=max{K1,K2,K3}−min{K1,K2,K3};下标A、B、C表示因素 表 5 试验样片表面元素成分
Table 5. Composition of Elements on Test Sample Surface
试验样片 元素成分含量/% C O Fe Cr Ni Si Mo 0# — — 67.65 22.12 9.26 0.97 — 1# 21.79 31.71 9.84 13.83 — 1.13 21.71 2# 46.03 36.13 16.61 0.51 — 0.20 0.51 3# 47.85 36.21 15.45 — — 0.17 0.33 4# 41.24 30.37 23.20 3.16 0.64 0.18 1.22 5# 35.45 4.54 45.16 12.12 0.22 0.22 — 6# — 12.32 55.59 23.60 6.25 0.84 1.40 7# — 16.39 48.32 17.56 4.55 — 13.18 8# — 55.53 32.28 10.28 — — 1.90 9# 46.91 7.39 32.04 11.10 2.57 — — 注:“—”——无此项 表 6 试验样片表面氧化膜厚度结果
Table 6. Results of Oxide Film Thickness Formed on the Test Sample Surface
试验样片 氧化膜厚度
平均值/μm0# 8.2 5.1 6.8 1# 42 30 36 2# 40 27 34 3# 13 10 12 4# 66 56 60 5# 26 18 22 6# 133 117 128 7# 168 144 157 8# 225 200 213 9# 173 144 156 表 7 蒸残液源项数据
Table 7. The Source Data of Steam Residue
(kBq·L−1)核素性质和核素活度 核素 射线能
量/keV半衰期/a 放射性活
度/(kBq·L−1)蒸残液 100 1.02×104 137Cs 661.66 30.07 1.92×102 60Co 1332.51 5.27 3.97×104 表 8 热试验去污验证结果
Table 8. Results of Thermal Test Decontamination Verification
样品处理 处理方法 位置 3次本底计数/s−1 本底计数平均值/s−1 60Co表面污染水平/(Bq·cm−2) DE/% DF 第1次 第2次 第3次 去污前 — 通风橱本底 712 698 723 711 — — — 1#表面 24092 23779 24380 24083 266.12 — — 2#表面 29484 30597 30792 30291 337.15 — — 去污后 水冲洗 通风橱本底 718 790 733 747 — — — 1#表面 3756 3929 3896 3860 34.33 87.10 — 2#表面 4700 4819 4904 4808 45.17 86.60 — 酸刷洗 通风橱本底 637 686 678 667 — — — 1#表面 1869 1846 1874 1863 12.39 63.90 — 2#表面 2060 1976 1988 3008 14.05 68.89 — 电化学去污 通风橱本底 565 523 534 507 — — — 1#表面 657 639 668 655 0.0076 99.94 1630 2#表面 674 650 639 654 0.0038 99.97 3697 注:“—”——无此项 表 9 支架底座表面去污前后剂量水平
Table 9. Dose Level before and after Decontamination on the Bracket Base Surface
去污对象 60Co表面污染水平/(Bq·cm−2) DE/% DF 去污前 去污后 支架底座表面 45.01 0.39 99.13 115.4 -
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