Study on the Determination Method of the Residual Fluorine Content on the Inner Surface of the Fuel Rod Cladding Tube
摘要: 锆合金管材内表面残留氟可能会加速锆合金表面微裂纹的应力腐蚀,为准确测定锆合金管材内表面残留氟含量,本文通过试验研究,研制了专用的内表面残留氟提取装置并进行了高温水解条件试验;采用离子色谱法对提取出的氟离子进行测定,建立的分析方法可以实现快速连续测定,分析范围为0.05~1.0 μg/mL,最后采用该方法对锆合金管材内表面残留氟含量进行了测定。结果表明,研制的装置可以完全提取内表面残留氟;本文提出的测定方法的加标回收率为98%~104%,最大相对标准偏差为3.9%,精密度和准确度高,测量结果满足生产需求。Abstract: The residual fluorine on the inner surface of the zirconium alloy pipe might accelerate the stress corrosion of the microcracks on the surface of the zirconium alloy. In order to accurately determine the residual fluorine content in the zirconium alloy pipe, this paper developed a special internal surface residual fluorine extraction device through experimental research, and high-temperature hydrolysis conditions were studied; Ion chromatography was used to determine the extracted fluoride ions. The established analysis method could achieve rapid and continuous determination, and the analysis range was 0.05~1.0 μg/mL; finally, this method was used for zirconium alloy pipes. The residual fluorine content on the inner surface was measured. The results should that the extraction efficiency of the developed device for the residual fluorine on the inner surface could reach 101%; the recovery rate of the method was 98%~104%, the maximum relative standard deviation was 3.9%; with high precision and accuracy, the measurement results met the production needs.
表 1 提取装置对内表面残留氟加标回收率
Table 1. Standard Recovery Rate of Extraction Device for Residual Fluorine on the Inner Surface
试样管编号 本底/
回收率/%1 0.8 3.32 101 101 2 3.30 100 3 3.25 98 4 3.38 103 5 3.35 102 6 3.30 100 表 2 精密度试验结果
Table 2. Precision Test Results
试样编号 第1组 第2组 第3组 内表面残留氟含量/
(μg· cm−2)0.35 0.45 0.35 0.34 0.48 0.35 0.36 0.45 0.35 0.38 0.44 0.34 0.37 0.43 0.34 0.36 0.46 0.33 内表面残留氟含量
平均值/(μg· cm−2)0.36 0.45 0.34 RSD/% 3.9 3.8 2.4 RSD最大值/% 3.9 表 3 加标回收率试验结果
Table 3. Test Results of Standard Recovery Rate
试验管编号 本底/μg 测得的总氟离
子的量/μg加标回收率/% 平均加标
回收率/%1 4.45 6.90 98 100 2 6.98 101 3 6.88 97 4 7.05 104 5 6.98 101 6 7.00 102 表 4 Zr-4管材内表面残留氟含量
Table 4. Residual Fluorine Content on the Inner Surface of Zr-4 Pipe
管材处理 残留氟含量/(μg· cm−2) 第1组试样 第2组试样 酸洗后 0.48、0.52、0.56 0.60、0.50、0.67 表 5 锆合金管材内表面残留氟含量
Table 5. Residual Fluorine Content on the Inner Surface of the Zirconium Alloy Pipe
样品编号 检测结果/
(μg· cm−2)样品编号 检测结果/
(μg· cm−2)样品编号 检测结果/
(μg· cm−2)1-T 0.27 FR-01T 0.38 01-T 0.39 1-Z 0.34 FR-01Z 0.36 01-Z 0.33 1-W 0.25 FR-01W 0.31 01-W 0.27 2-T 0.23 FR-02T 0.23 02-T 0.28 2-Z 0.23 FR-02Z 0.27 02-Z 0.20 2-W 0.24 FR-02W 0.28 02-W 0.23 10-T 0.19 10-Z 0.19 10-W 0.23 数字表示管号编号;T、Z 、W分别表示管材头部、中部、尾部 ;FR表示经过重复处理后的管材 -
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