Risk Analysis of Late Reinjection Pressure in the Primary Circuit under IVR Strategy
摘要: 参考某百万千瓦级核电厂设计,针对堆内熔融物滞留(IVR)策略投入后晚期(即压力容器下封头已形成熔融池的情况下)可能的一回路再注水场景开展分析,研究晚期再注水的一回路压力响应。通过与不实施再注水事故工况的对比分析,综合评估实施再注水时间、再注水流量及严重事故泄压阀开启数量对一回路的压力影响,得到了各措施的影响规律,并针对严重事故管理策略提出建议。
- 严重事故 /
- 堆内熔融物滞留(IVR) /
- 一回路注水
Abstract: Based on the design of a million-kilowatt nuclear power plant, this article analyzed the possible late primary circuit reinjection scenarios in severe accidents when the In-Vessel Retention (IVR) measure is taken (that is, when the lower head of the pressure vessel has formed a melting pool), and studied the primary circuit pressure respond to the late reinjection. Through the comparative analysis of the condition with no reinjection, the influence of reinjection time, reinjection flow and the opening number of pressure relief valves in serious accidents on the pressure of the primary circuit were comprehensively evaluated, the influence law of each measure was obtained, and suggestions were put forward for severe accident management strategies.-
Key words:
- Severe accident /
- In-Vessel Retention (IVR) /
- Primary circuit injection
表 1 方案a~g的压力容器内压力峰值
Table 1. Pressure Peak of Pressure Vessel of Schemes a~g
分析方案 注水时间/s 压力峰值出现时间/s 压力峰值/MPa a 20000 20661 2.70 b 30000 30645 4.28 c 40000 40638 4.66 d 50000 50642 4.69 e 60000 60635 4.58 f 70000 70655 4.46 g 80000 80621 4.26 表 2 方案d1~d4的压力容器内压力峰值
Table 2. Pressure Peak of Pressure Vessel of Schemes d1~d4
方案 注水时间/s 注水途径 压力峰值/MPa 压力峰持续时间①/s d1 50000 两列低压安注 4.47 1069 d 一列低压安注 4.69 1145 d2 两列中压安注 3.32 1533 d3 一列中压安注 3.05 1909 d4 临时补水 1.72 2317 注:①注水后一回路压力高于1 MPa的持续时间 表 3 方案d、方案d5的压力容器内压力峰值
Table 3. Pressure Peak of Pressure Vessel of Scheme d/d5
方案 注水时间/s 注水途径 开启严重事故专用
泄压阀门数量压力峰值/MPa d 50000 一列低压安注 一列 4.47 d5 两列 2.57 -
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