Testing of Influence of Start-Stop on the Reliability and Drag Torque of the Thrust Bearing
摘要: 为了测试反复启停对钠冷快堆(SFR)一回路主泵推力轴承可靠性和阻力矩的影响,采用适用于小样本的分散系数法设计了可靠性统计方案,制造了3套巴氏合金推力瓦和1台上部组合轴承样机,设计并搭建了试验台,测试了启动阻力矩随停机加载时间的变化情况,模拟推力轴承的真实情况并开展了反复启停试验。试验研究表明,启动阻力矩均会随着停机加载时间的延长而不断增大;反复启停对推力瓦的磨损寿命影响较小,置信度0.9时,推力轴承启停125次不发生失效的可靠度超过0.99996;反复启停会影响推力轴承的阻力矩,随着启动次数的增多,推力轴承的阻力矩呈缓慢上升趋势,证明开展主泵电机启动能力设计时,必须要考虑启停次数的影响。本文研究可为主泵电机启动能力设计提供参考。Abstract: In order to test the effect of repeated start-stop on the reliability and drag torque of the thrust bearing of the primary circuit main pump in sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR), a reliability statistical scheme was designed by using the dispersion coefficient method suitable for small samples, three sets of Babbitt thrust pads and one upper combination bearing prototype were manufactured, a test bench was designed and built, the change of starting drag torque with shutdown loading time was tested, repeated start-stop tests were carried out by simulating the real situation of the thrust bearing. The results show that the starting drag torque increases with the increase of shutdown loading time. The repeated start-stop has little effect on the wear life of the thrust pads, and the reliability of the thrust bearing start-stop for 125 times without failure exceeds 0.99996 when the confidence level is 0.9. The repeated start-stop has effect on the drag torque of the thrust bearing, and the drag torque of the thrust bearing shows a slow upward trend with the increase of starting times. It is proved that the effect of the start-stop times must be factored in the design of starting capacity of main pump motor. This study can provide a reference for the design of starting capacity of main pump motor.
Key words:
- Sodium cooled fast reactor /
- Main pump /
- Thrust bearing /
- Reliability /
- Drag torque
表 1 工作环境与试验环境对比
Table 1. Comparison of Working Environment and Test Environment
参数 工作环境 试验环境 环境温度/℃ 0~45 相对湿度(25℃时)/% ≤80 润滑油牌号 ISO VG46 油温/℃ 40~53±2 53±2 润滑油过滤精度/ μm 20 油位高度/mm 380 380±10 表 2 反复启停前后性能试验对比
Table 2. Comparison of Performance Test before and after Repeated Start-stop
参数 启停试验前 启停试验后 转速/(r·min−1) 742 比压/MPa 1.37 冷却水温/℃ 40.3 40.7 冷却水流量/(L·min−1) 138.8 140.1 油位/mm 380 385 轴瓦温度/℃ 55.6 56.9 推力瓦温度/℃ 54.5 56.3 -
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