Experimental Study on Saturated Pool Boiling Bubble Behavior of ATF Chromium Coated Zirconium Alloy Cladding at Atmospheric Pressure
摘要: 铬(Cr)涂层锆合金包壳是最有前途的耐事故燃料(ATF)的新型包覆材料之一,对其表面的气泡动力学进行研究有助于评估是否具有更好的传热性能。在常压下的Cr涂层锆合金包壳池式沸腾实验装置中对不同工艺方法下制备的Cr涂层锆合金包壳进行实验,研究了粗糙度等表面状态对气泡产生、长大以及脱离等气泡行为的影响。结果表明,气泡接触角与Cr涂层表面粗糙度有关,粗糙度越大,表面气泡接触角越小;不同涂层工艺下制备的4种Cr涂层锆合金包壳样件表面的气泡脱离直径范围为1.256 ~1.446 mm,气泡脱离频率范围为29.99 ~50.97 Hz;气泡脱离直径与粗糙度呈负相关,脱离频率与粗糙度呈正相关;气泡脱离直径预测模型与实验数据之间的偏差为±6%,脱离频率预测模型与实验数据之间的偏差为±3%。
- 耐事故燃料(ATF) /
- 铬(Cr)涂层锆合金包壳 /
- 气泡行为 /
- 脱离直径 /
- 脱离频率
Abstract: Chromium (Cr) - coated zirconium alloy cladding is one of the most promising new cladding materials for accident resistant fuel (ATF). The study of bubble dynamics on the surface of this new material is helpful to evaluate whether it has better heat transfer performance. experiments are carried out on Cr-coated zirconium alloy cladding prepared by different process methods in a pool boiling experimental facility for Cr-coated zirconium alloy cladding under normal pressure. The effects of surface states such as roughness on bubble generation, growth and departure behaviors are investigated.The results show that the bubble contact angle is related to the surface roughness of Cr coating. The larger the roughness, the smaller the bubble contact angle; The bubble departure diameter of the four Cr-coated zirconium alloy cladding samples prepared under different coating processes ranges from 1.256~1.446 mm, and the bubble departure frequency ranges from 29.99~50.97 Hz; the bubble departure diameter is negatively correlated with the roughness, and the departure frequency is positively correlated with the roughness; The deviation between the bubble departure diameter prediction model and the experimental data is ±6%, and the deviation between the departure frequency prediction model and the experimental data is ±3%. -
表 1 实验段主要参数
Table 1. Main Parameters of Experimental Section
参数名 参数值 实验段总长/mm 260 实验段被加热段长度/mm 100 实验段外径/mm 9.52 实验段壁厚/mm 0.58 氧化铝陶瓷层外径/mm 8.36 氧化铝陶瓷层内径/mm 6 导热铜片外径/mm 6 导热铜片通孔直径/mm 1 铜排截面积/mm2 400 表 2 直接测量参数不确定度
Table 2. Uncertainties of the Directly Measured Parameters
测量参数 仪表精度 不确定度 温度 0.3℃ 0.27% 电流 1.0 A 0.14% 电压 0.015 V 0.12% Cr涂层锆合金包壳外径 0.01 mm 0.11% Cr涂层锆合金包壳长度 1 mm 1.0% 气泡直径 0.017 mm 0.18% 气泡接触角 0.5° 0.15% 表 3 间接测量参数不确定度
Table 3. Uncertainties of Indirectly Measured Parameters
测量参数 不确定度 Cr涂层锆合金包壳传热面积 0.1% 实验段功率 0.18% Cr涂层锆合金包壳外表面热流密度 0.21% -
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