Research on Aerosol Behavior of Combustion Products under Sodium Pool Fire Accident
摘要: 在钠冷快堆的安全评估中,分析钠泄露导致的池式钠火事故下燃烧产物的气溶胶行为尤为重要。本文采用将池式钠火燃烧模型与气溶胶动力学模型耦合的方式,开发了池式钠火事故下燃烧产物气溶胶行为分析程序REBAC-SFR,基于该程序模拟了SAPFIRE-D1和ABCOVE池式钠火实验,并与实验数据进行了对比。结果表明,本文开发的程序具有良好的可靠性和正确性,可为钠工艺间内池式钠火事故下燃烧产物气溶胶行为分析研究提供理论工具。Abstract: In the safety assessment of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), it is particularly important to analyze the aerosol behavior of combustion products in sodium pool fire accident caused by sodium leakage. In this paper, the analytical program REBAC-SFR for aerosol behavior of combustion products in sodium pool fire accident is developed by coupling the sodium pool fire combustion model with the aerosol dynamics model. Based on this program, SAPFIRE-D1 and ABCOVE sodium pool fire experiments are simulated and compared with the experimental data. The results show that the program developed in this paper has good reliability and correctness, and can provide a theoretical tool for the analysis of the aerosol behavior of combustion products under the sodium pool fire in the sodium process room.
Key words:
- Sodium pool fire /
- Combustion product /
- Aerosol /
- Code development
表 1 SAPFIRE-D1实验条件
Table 1. Experimental Conditions of SAPFIRE-D1
参数名 参数值 燃烧舱室体积/m3 73.4 壁面面积/m2 104 燃烧锅面积/m2 2.25 钠注入总量/kg 550 舱室初始压力/Pa 104364 气体与壁面初始温度/℃ 55 燃烧锅初始温度/℃ 55 燃烧舱室氧气体积浓度/% 21 钠注入时间/min 3.5 表 2 AB1、AB2实验条件
Table 2. Experimental Conditions of AB1 and AB2
实验参数 参数值 AB1 AB2 气体平均温度/K 299.65 293.65 容器内平均压力/kPa 125 128 氧气体积浓度/% 19.8 20.9 钠注入总质量/kg 875.15 875.15 燃烧面积/m2 4.4 4.4 燃烧时间/s 3600 3600 蒸汽注入时间段/s — 960~4560 蒸汽注入速率/(kg·s−1) — 0.019 “—”——无此项 表 3 ABCOVE实验中气溶胶动力学参数设置
Table 3. Aerosol Kinetic Parameter Settings in ABCOVE Experiment
气溶胶参数 参数值 AB1 AB2 气溶胶密度/(g·cm−3) 2.42 2.50 几何标准差 2.0 2.0 质量中值直径/μm 0.5 0.5 动力学形状因子 1.0 1.0 颗粒滑移修正因子 1.37 1.37 扩散边界层厚度/m 1×10−5 1×10−5 气体与颗粒热导率之比 0.05 0.05 颗粒黏附系数 1.0 1.0 湍流能量耗散率/(m−2·s−3) 0.001 0.001 凝聚形状因子 1.0 1.0 热适应系数 1.0 1.0 表 4 悬浮气溶胶沉积质量计算值与实验值的对比 kg
Table 4. Comparison of Calculated and Experimental Values of Suspended Aerosol Deposition Mass kg
位置 AB1实验 AB2实验 计算值 实验值 计算值 实验值 容器穹顶 0.02 0.20 0.194 0.18 圆柱筒体 0.22 1.32 0.20 1.20 容器底部 16.60 17.60 17.70 18.80 内部构件 19.70 20.79 17.50 18.45 总计 36.50 39.91 35.40 38.63 -
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