Analysis of Liquid Film Characteristics of Deep-groove Reactor Coolant Pump Mechanical Seal
摘要: 采用结合三维有限元分析与基于经典摩擦理论的密封液膜流场分析相结合的方法,针对某新型核反应堆冷却剂泵(简称核主泵)机械密封的6种密封面方案进行分析研究,对比各方案的液膜厚度、接触载荷、名义磨损率、低压泄漏率等关键参数。计算结果表明,6 mm槽宽的设计方案是一组性能较为平衡的设计,其密封面的性能输出特征与某进口成熟机械密封类似且略优于进口型号;带有低压补偿的直线槽方案能够大幅延长密封面寿命,但同时带来了更高的低压泄漏率。Abstract: By combining the three-dimensional finite element analysis method and the sealing liquid film flow field analysis based on the classical friction theory, six sealing surface schemes of the mechanical seal of a new type of nuclear reactor coolant pump (referred to as the nuclear main pump) are analyzed and studied. The key parameters such as liquid film thickness, contact load, nominal wear rate, and low pressure leakage rate of each scheme are compared. The calculation results show that the design scheme with a groove width of 6 mm is a set of designs with relatively balanced performance, and the performance output characteristics of the sealing surface are similar to that of an imported mature mechanical seal and slightly better than that of the imported model; The linear groove scheme with low-pressure compensation can greatly prolong the service life of the sealing surface, but also bring a higher low-pressure leakage rate.
Key words:
- Reactor coolant pump /
- Mechanical seal /
- Hydrodynamic pressure /
- Linear groove /
- Groove optimization
表 1 密封面设计方案
Table 1. Design Scheme of Sealing Surface
槽度/mm槽型 2 12 5 直线槽 3 14 5 4 12 6 5 14 6 6 12 6 直线槽+局部
结构优化7 14 6 表 2 机械密封的级间压力设计 MPa
Table 2. Interstage Pressure Design of Mechanical Seal
级间位置 进口型机封 新型机封 第1级密封面前 15.5 15.5 第1级密封面后、第2级密封面前 9.3 8.5 第2级密封面后、第3级密封面前 3.1 1.6 第3级密封面后 0.1 0.1 表 3 根据Tallian公式判断润滑状态的依据
Table 3. Basis of Judging the Lubrication State Based on the Tallian Formula
$ \lambda $取值 润滑状态 磨损特征 $ \lambda \geqslant 3 $ 全膜润滑 无磨损 $ 3 > \lambda \geqslant 1 $ 混合润滑 轻微磨损 $ \lambda < 1 $ 边界润滑 严重磨损 表 4 根据Tallian公式计算的
$ \mathbf{\lambda } $ 数值Table 4.
$ \mathbf{\lambda } $ Calculated by the Tallian Formula方案编号 第1、2级液膜 第3级液膜 1 (进口型机封) 6.15 5.28 2 6.13 4.99 3 6.29 4.95 4 8.68 5.70 5 9.40 5.74 6 11.44 7.04 7 14.45 7.67 -
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