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刘佳伦 李会雄 张顺哲 宁亮 唐凌虹

刘佳伦, 李会雄, 张顺哲, 宁亮, 唐凌虹. 基于漂移流模型的液态金属快堆螺旋管蒸汽发生器热工水力特性分析[J]. 核动力工程, 2023, 44(3): 79-89. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0079
引用本文: 刘佳伦, 李会雄, 张顺哲, 宁亮, 唐凌虹. 基于漂移流模型的液态金属快堆螺旋管蒸汽发生器热工水力特性分析[J]. 核动力工程, 2023, 44(3): 79-89. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0079
Liu Jialun, Li Huixiong, Zhang Shunzhe, Ning Liang, Tang Linghong. Analysis on Thermal Hydraulic Characteristic of Helical Coiled Tube Steam Generator of Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Based on Drift-Flux Model[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2023, 44(3): 79-89. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0079
Citation: Liu Jialun, Li Huixiong, Zhang Shunzhe, Ning Liang, Tang Linghong. Analysis on Thermal Hydraulic Characteristic of Helical Coiled Tube Steam Generator of Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Based on Drift-Flux Model[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2023, 44(3): 79-89. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0079


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0079
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(U20B2036);陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2022JQ-542);陕西省科学技术协会青年人才托举计划项目(20210404)

    刘佳伦(1991—),男,博士研究生,现主要从事铅铋快堆热工水力分析方面的研究,E-mail: ljl.619@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TK124;TL333

Analysis on Thermal Hydraulic Characteristic of Helical Coiled Tube Steam Generator of Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Based on Drift-Flux Model

  • 摘要: 在液态金属快堆螺旋管蒸汽发生器中,存在一个普遍问题,其一次侧的进、出口温差大幅升高,二次侧出口蒸汽过热度显著增大,这给其设计及运行带来了挑战。基于离散网格法建立了液态金属快堆螺旋管蒸汽发生器热工水力分析模型。模型对整个一、二次侧回路进行网格划分,采用漂移流模型计算二次侧水-水蒸汽的流动与传热,并在一次侧计算中采用液态金属物性与流动传热关联式;采用内节点法对壁面划分网格,考虑两侧流体与管壁间的对流换热以及壁面导热。基于实验数据验证模型可靠性。以铅铋快堆为例,研究不同入口条件下蒸汽发生器的热工水力特性。研究发现一、二次侧之间的壁面热流密度沿程分布极为不均匀,且热流密度峰值极高。算例中壁面热流密度最大值达到1361 kW/m2,最大值与最小值间相差数十倍到数百倍。随着一次侧入口铅铋温度以及铅铋流速的增加,二次侧过冷水区及两相区长度明显缩短,过热蒸汽区长度明显增大;同时,壁面热流密度峰值向螺旋管入口方向移动,二次侧工质压降明显增大。


  • 图  1  螺旋管蒸汽发生器结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic Diagram of the Structure of Helical Coiled Tube Steam Generator

    图  2  螺旋管蒸汽发生器网格离散示意图

    Figure  2.  Grid Discretization of Helical Coiled Tube Steam Generator

    图  3  管壁面内部节点参数示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic Diagram of the Node Parameters Inside the Tube Wall

    图  4  本文模型计算结果与实验数据的对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison between the Calculation Results of the Present Model and the Experimental Data

    图  5  一次侧铅铋温度、螺旋管外壁温、内壁温、二次侧水-水蒸汽温度的沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  5.  Along-Channel Distribution Calculation Results of the Lead Bismuth Temperature on the Primary Side, Outer Tube Wall Temperature, Inner Tube Wall Temperature, and the Water-Steam Temperature on the Secondary Side

    图  6  二次侧工质蒸汽热平衡干度沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  6.  Calculation Results of Thermodynamic Equilibrium Dryness of Working Medium along the Secondary Side

    图  7  螺旋管内壁面热流密度沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  7.  Calculation Results of the Heat Flux Distribution along the Inner Wall of Helical Coiled Tube

    图  8  螺旋管内、外壁面传热系数沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  8.  Calculation Results of the Heat Transfer Coefficient Distribution along the Inner and Outer Wall of Helical Coiled Tube

    图  9  螺旋管壁面径向各节点处的沿程温度分布计算结果

    Figure  9.  Calculation Results of Metal Temperature at Each Node in the Radial Direction of Helical Coiled Tube Wall

    图  10  二次侧沿程工质压降分布及工质流速分布的计算结果

    Figure  10.  Calculation Results of Pressure Drop and Fluid Velocity Distribution of Working Medium along the Secondary Side

    图  11  不同入口铅铋温度下一、二次侧流体温度沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  11.  Calculation Results of the Fluid Temperature Distribution along the Primary Side and the Secondary Side under Different Inlet Lead Bismuth Temperatures

    图  12  不同入口铅铋温度下螺旋管内壁面热流密度沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  12.  Calculation Results of the Heat Flux Distribution along the Inner Wall of Helical Coiled Tube under Different Inlet Lead Bismuth Temperatures

    图  13  不同入口铅铋温度下二次侧工质沿程压降分布的计算结果

    Figure  13.  Calculation Results of Pressure Drop Distribution along the Secondary Side of the Working Medium under Different Inlet Lead Bismuth Temperatures

    图  14  不同入口铅铋流速下一、二次侧流体温度沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  14.  Calculation Results of the Fluid Temperature Distribution on the Primary Side and the Secondary Side under Different Inlet Lead Bismuth Velocities

    图  15  不同入口铅铋流速下螺旋管内壁面热流密度沿程分布计算结果

    Figure  15.  Calculation Results of the Heat Flux Distribution along the Inner Wall of Helical Coiled Tube under Different Inlet Lead Bismuth Velocities

    图  16  不同入口铅铋流速下二次侧工质沿程压降分布的计算结果

    Figure  16.  Calculation Results of Pressure Drop Distribution along the Secondary Side of Working Medium under Different Inlet Lead Bismuth Velocities

    表  1  本文模型中流动阻力及传热关联式的选择

    Table  1.   Flow Resistance and Heat Transfer Correlations Selected in the Present Model

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    表  2  本文模型计算结果与设计值[26]对比

    Table  2.   Comparison between the Calculation Results of the Present Model and the Design Parameters

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    表  3  本文模型计算结果与设计值[28]对比

    Table  3.   Comparison between the Calculation Results of the Present Model and the Design Values

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    表  4  本节算例中螺旋管蒸汽发生器结构、工况参数

    Table  4.   Structural Parameters and Operation Conditions of Helical Coiled Tube Steam Generator Studied in the Examples of this Section

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