Study on T2 Test Time Optimization Method of DAS
摘要: 多样性驱动系统(DAS)在进行逻辑功能验证试验(T2试验)时,逻辑链路中定时器的验证往往采用等待的方式,试验过程持续2 h以上,且在等待过程中容易造成人因故障。为减少T2试验验证时间和人因故障,本研究提出了一种基于简单硬件技术的DAS的T2试验时间优化方案,先将定时器从逻辑链路中旁通出去,验证其余部分逻辑功能,再对定时器进行时钟调整并加速。研究结果表明,优化后的DAS的T2试验的总用时可控制在30 min以内。相较于传统等待的试验方式,大大缩短了T2试验时间,并能有效减少试验期间的人因故障,满足核电厂对T2试验响应时间的最新要求。
- 多样性驱动系统(DAS) /
- T2试验 /
- 定时器 /
- 旁通 /
- 时钟
Abstract: In the logic function verification test (T2 test) of the Diversity Actuation System (DAS), the verification of the timer in the logical link is often carried out by waiting, making the test last for more than 2 hours, causing human error in the waiting process. In order to reduce T2 test time and human failure, in this study, an optimization method of T2 test time for DAS based on simple hardware technology was proposed. When verifying the logic function, the timers were bypassed, and then the timers were accelerated by adjusting the reference clock of them. The result shows that the total time of T2 test for DAS can be controlled within 30 minutes. Therefore, compared with the traditional test method, the test time is greatly shortened, and the human failure during the test can be effectively avoided, so as to meet the latest requirements of T2 test time in nuclear power plants.-
Key words:
- Diversity actuation system (DAS) /
- T2 test /
- Timer /
- Bypass /
- Reference clock
表 1 T2试验信号传输时间分析
Table 1. Analysis of T2 Test Signal Transmission Time
序号 名称 信号传输时间 1 DI流向DO响应时间(不含定时板卡) 整体为ms级 2 定时板卡响应时间 以设定时间为准 3 监视板卡轮询采集各板卡信息 4~10 ms 4 监视板卡与NEST通信 < 0.1 s 5 NEST与定期试验板卡通信 < 0.1 s 表 2 定时器的设定时间与数量
Table 2. Setting Time and Quantity of Timer
设定时间T T≤10 s 10<T≤62 s 600 s<T≤7200 s 数量/个 70 70 8 表 3 时钟切换情况
Table 3. Reference Clock Switch
板卡原设定时间/s 时钟切换频率/Hz 板卡现设定时间/s 0~62 1 0~62 600~7200 100 6~72 -
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