Study on the Steady γ-Radiolysis of Ammonia Solution
摘要: 含氨冷却剂被应用于压水堆中,可以清除冷却剂辐射分解产生的O2、H2O2等氧化性产物,从而减轻结构材料腐蚀。本文研究了氨水在γ辐射场中的辐射分解行为,考察氨浓度、辐射吸收剂量和吸收剂量率、气液体积比和不同饱和气体对氨水辐射分解行为的影响,重点关注辐射分解产物H2O2和NO2−的浓度变化。结果表明,随着体系中氨浓度的增加,H2O2的浓度受到明显抑制,NO2−的浓度则呈现出上升趋势;吸收剂量的增加使得H2O2浓度明显升高,NO2−的浓度则在吸收剂量为8 kGy时达到最大(> 100 μmol/L),而后降低;吸收剂量率的差异(2.78~25 Gy/min)并未导致H2O2和NO2−浓度产生明显变化;氨水中的O2是NO2−生成的关键,但O2过多会促进NO2−氧化为NO3−从而降低NO2−浓度,此外O2的存在促进了H2O2的生成。本文研究结果可为后续含氨冷却剂体系的优化提供参考。Abstract: Ammonia is applied in the coolant to eliminate the O2 and H2O2 in the PWR, thus mitigating the corrosion of structural materials. The present work studied the γ-radiolysis of ammonia solution under different conditions including ammonia concentration, absorbed dose, absorbed dose rate, gas-liquid volume ratio, and different saturated gases. The results show that ammonia significantly inhibits H2O2 because of the consumption of H2O2 and suppression of its precursors. The concentration of NO2− rises with the ammonia concentration . Ammonia is continuously consumed as irradiation progresses, while the concentration of H2O2 increases significantly with the absorbed dose. The NO2− reaches a peak maximum (> 100 μmol/L) when the absorbed dose is 8 kGy. However, NO2− has a drop when the absorbed dose grows further, due to the fact O2 oxidizes NO2− into NO3−. The concentrations of H2O2 and NO2− are not obviously affected within the absorbed dose rate range (2.78~25 Gy/min). The presence of O2 is critical to the formation of NO2−, though excessive O2 in the system could lead to the oxidization of NO2− by increasing the oxidizing species. Besides, the oxygen dissolved in aqueous ammonia promotes the production of H2O2. This work is expected to provide a helpful reference for the optimization of the ammonia-containing coolant system.
Key words:
- Ammonia /
- Coolant /
- Radiolysis /
- Reactor /
- Water chemistry
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