Numerical Simulation of Flow Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel under Local Deformation Condition
摘要: 反应堆中燃料元件所处的复杂工作环境会使燃料元件的性能发生变化以及出现几何状态偏离初始状态的情况,对流动和传热特性造成影响,威胁反应堆堆芯的安全性。本文采用ANSYS Workbench数值模拟平台,建立了包含三个固体域、四个冷却剂通道的模型,考虑固体域不同的弯曲情况,进行了稳态数值模拟。结果表明,不同弯曲情况下冷却剂流量在四个通道之间重新分配,从而影响固体域和流体域的温度分布,流通截面小的通道内冷却剂出口温度明显升高,固体域最高温度点由中心区域向流通面积减小的通道方向偏移。
- 矩形通道 /
- 弯曲变形 /
- 计算流体动力学(CFD) /
- 共轭传热
Abstract: The complex working environment of the fuel elements in the reactor may cause changes in the performance of fuel elements and deviations from their initial geometric state, which can affect flow and heat transfer characteristics and threaten the safety of the reactor core. In this paper, the ANSYS Workbench numerical simulation platform was used to establish a model containing four coolant channels, and the steady-state numerical simulation was carried out considering different bending conditions in the solid domain. The results show that the coolant flow is redistributed among the four channels under different bending conditions, thus affecting the temperature in the channel with a small flow section area increases significantly, and the highest temperature point in the solid domain shifts from the central region to the channel with a reduced flow area. -
表 1 不同数量的网格单元数
Table 1. Number of Mesh Elements in Different Cases
工况 网格数量 工况1 238000 工况2 299880 工况3 567600 工况4 691200 工况5 848640 工况6 979200 表 2 正常工况下各通道质量流量分配
Table 2. Mass Flow Distribution of Each Channel under Normal Working Condition
通道 质量流量/( kg·s−1) 占比/% 通道1 1.685 24.7 通道2 1.726 25.3 通道3 1.726 25.3 通道4 1.684 24.7 -
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