Probabilistic Safety Analysis Framework for Internal Events of Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor
摘要: 液体燃料反应堆(简称溶液堆)与传统固体燃料反应堆在安全设计和运行特性等方面存在重大差异,无法仅按照现有以确定论为核心的设计方法进行安全设计,必须在设计之初引入概率安全分析(PSA)技术。由于燃料形态、安全屏障及缓解系统等与固体燃料反应堆的差异,传统以堆芯损坏为核心的反应堆PSA技术无法直接适用于溶液堆。在调研国内外传统研究堆、溶液堆及乏燃料后处理厂相关要求及分析技术后,以我国正在研发的医用同位素试验堆为对象,提出了溶液堆PSA安全目标,并建立了PSA技术框架,为该类型反应堆PSA的开展和安全审查奠定基础。Abstract: There are significant differences in the safety design and operation characteristics between liquid fuel reactor (aqueous homogeneous reactor) and traditional solid fuel reactor, therefore, it is impossible to carry out the safety design of aqueous homogeneous reactor only using the existing safety design methods based on deterministic theories, and probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) technique must be adopted at the beginning of the design period. Due to the differences in fuel forms, safety barriers and mitigation systems, the traditional PSA technique for reactor, which is based on the core damage, cannot be directly applied to aqueous homogeneous reactors. After investigating the requirements and analysis of traditional research reactors, aqueous homogeneous reactors and spent fuel reprocessing facilities at home and abroad, taking the medical isotope test reactor being developed in China as the object, the PSA safety objectives of aqueous homogeneous reactor is put forward, and the PSA technical framework is established, which lays the foundation for the PSA development and safety review of this type of reactor.
表 1 典型固体燃料反应堆PSA结果
Table 1. PSA Results for Typical Reactors with Solid Fuel
类型 反应堆 CDF点估计值/(堆·年)−1 中等功率研究堆 绵阳研究堆 1.22×10−7 低功率研究堆(脉冲) 德黑兰研究堆TRR 3.94×10−6 低功率研究堆(2 MW) 西安脉冲堆XAPR 4.14×10−6 商用电厂 AP1000 2.41×10−7 -
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