Optimization of Feedwater Control for Casing Steam Generator Based on Apros
摘要: 针对套管式蒸汽发生器强耦合性造成的给水控制问题,以采用套管式蒸汽发生器的商用模块化小型反应堆汽水循环系统为研究对象,基于APROS软件建立汽水循环系统仿真模型。稳态仿真结果表明,仿真模型具有较高的仿真精度,满足仿真分析需求。通过升降负荷瞬态仿真试验,研究了套管式蒸汽发生器瞬态运行特性,研究结果表明,采用传统控制方案时,蒸汽流量和给水流量负荷跟随性较好,但蒸汽压力存在较大波动,且在功率由80%FP(FP为满功率)降至50%FP时会触发蒸汽排放。针对该问题提出了给水控制优化方案,仿真试验结果表明,优化后蒸汽压力波动范围明显降低,未触发蒸汽排放动作,系统安全性和稳定性得到了有效提升。Abstract: In allusion to the problem of water supply control caused by the strong coupling of casing steam generator, the steam-water circulation system of commercial modular small reactor with casing steam generator is taken as the research object, and the simulation model of steam-water circulation system is established based on the software APROS. The steady-state simulation results show that the simulation model has high simulation accuracy and meets the requirements of simulation analysis. Through the transient simulation test of power load increasing and decreasing, the transient operation characteristics of casing steam generator are studied. The research results show that steam and feedwater flows have good load following characteristics when the traditional control scheme is adopted, but relatively large steam pressure fluctuation can be observed, and the steam dump will be triggered when 80%FP drops to 50%FP. To solve this problem, an optimization scheme of feed water control is proposed. The simulation analysis results show that the fluctuation range of steam pressure is obviously reduced after optimization, and the steam dump action is not triggered, and the safety and stability of the system are effectively improved.
表 1 额定工况稳态仿真结果
Table 1. Steady State Simulation Results of Rated Operating Conditions
参数 仿真值 设计值 相对误差/% 蒸汽压力/MPa 4.49 4.50 −0.22 蒸汽流量/(t·h−1) 594.9 596.8 −0.32 蒸汽温度/℃ 293.1 293.8 −0.23 汽轮机功率/MW 126.9 127.5 −0.50 给水调节阀压差/ MPa 0.3 0.3 0 给水流量/(t·h−1) 594.9 596.8 −0.32 除氧器压力/MPa 0.348 0.350 −0.57 凝汽器压力/kPa 6.7 6.7 0 凝结水流量/(t·h−1) 497.6 499.0 −0.28 -
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