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刘浩 张卢腾 周文雄 朱隆祥 万灵峰 张宏 马在勇 孙皖 潘良明 邓杰文

刘浩, 张卢腾, 周文雄, 朱隆祥, 万灵峰, 张宏, 马在勇, 孙皖, 潘良明, 邓杰文. 2×2棒束通道内流动沸腾空泡份额分布实验研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2023, 44(6): 104-110. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.06.0104
引用本文: 刘浩, 张卢腾, 周文雄, 朱隆祥, 万灵峰, 张宏, 马在勇, 孙皖, 潘良明, 邓杰文. 2×2棒束通道内流动沸腾空泡份额分布实验研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2023, 44(6): 104-110. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.06.0104
Liu Hao, Zhang Luteng, Zhou Wenxiong, Zhu Longxiang, Wan Lingfeng, Zhang Hong, Ma Zaiyong, Sun Wan, Pan Liangming, Deng Jiewen. Experimental Investigation on Void Fraction Distribution of Boiling Flow in 2×2 Rod Bundle Channel[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2023, 44(6): 104-110. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.06.0104
Citation: Liu Hao, Zhang Luteng, Zhou Wenxiong, Zhu Longxiang, Wan Lingfeng, Zhang Hong, Ma Zaiyong, Sun Wan, Pan Liangming, Deng Jiewen. Experimental Investigation on Void Fraction Distribution of Boiling Flow in 2×2 Rod Bundle Channel[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2023, 44(6): 104-110. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.06.0104


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.06.0104
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( U21B2059, 12205031)

    刘 浩(1996—),男,硕士研究生,现主要从事核反应堆热工水力分析,E-mail: haoliu_hl@cqu.edu.cn


    张卢腾,E-mail: ltzhang@cqu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TL334

Experimental Investigation on Void Fraction Distribution of Boiling Flow in 2×2 Rod Bundle Channel

  • 摘要: 电导探针方法是一种获取两相界面参数的重要手段。通过单探头电导探针测量并分析了2×2棒束通道内流动沸腾空泡份额的径向分布,结果表明,在当前实验工况下,从汽泡信号的波动特性来看,通道中心处的汽泡信号主体波动幅度较小,棒间隙处的汽泡信号主体波动幅度较大;空泡份额径向分布均呈现出中心峰的分布特性,中心峰呈现出下凹的现象,这是由于中心处的汽泡相对于壁面处的汽泡吸收的热量更小而发生冷凝。


  • 图  1  实验回路示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic of Experiment System

    图  2  实验本体示意图

    Figure  2.  Rod Bundle Test Section

    图  3  棒束通道探针测点布置示意图


    Figure  3.  Schematic Diagram of Probe Measuring Locations in Rod Bundle Channel

    图  4  单探头电导探针示意图

    Figure  4.  One-Sensor Conductivity Probe

    图  5  工况2测点1和测点4的汽泡信号

    Figure  5.  Bubble Signal at Measuring Point 1 and Measuring Point 4 under Condition 2

    图  6  工况1汽泡径向分布特性

    Figure  6.  Bubble Radial Distribution Characteristics under Condition 1

    图  7  工况2汽泡径向分布特性

    Figure  7.  Bubble Radial Distribution Characteristics under Condition 2

    图  8  工况3汽泡径向分布特性

    Figure  8.  Bubble Radial Distribution Characteristics under Condition 3

    图  9  空泡份额实验值与各滑速比模型计算值的对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison between Experimental Value of Void Fraction and Calculated Value of Each Slip Ratio Model

    表  1  棒束通道实验工况

    Table  1.   Experimental Conditions of Rod Bundle Channel

    1 0.33 824.40 27.10 590
    2 0.33 825.86 27.80 605
    3 0.33 822.93 21.90 590
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    表  2  原始汽泡信号主体电压振幅和单个阶跃信号的时间跨度       

    Table  2.   Time Span of Original Bubble Signal Main Body Amplitude and Single Step Signal

    工况序号 测点1 测点4
    电压振幅/V 时间跨度/ms 电压振幅/V 时间跨度/ms
    1 0~0.5 1.2~3.0 0 0
    2 0~0.5 1.5~3.0 0~1 3.0~8.0
    3 0~0.5 1.0~3.0 0~1.5 5.0~8.0
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    表  3  滑速比模型

    Table  3.   Slip Ratio Model

    学者 表达式
    Maurer[20] $\alpha = \dfrac{1}{{1 + 0.8{{\left( {\dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}} \right)}^{0.6819 + 0.01217p}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}} \right)}^{0.6}}}}$
    Fauske[21] $\alpha = \dfrac{1}{{1 + \dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}} \right)}^{1/2}}}}$
    Zivi[22] $\alpha = \dfrac{1}{{1 + \dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}} \right)}^{2/3}}}}$
    $ \alpha = \dfrac{1}{{1 + {{\left[ {{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\mu _{\text{f}}}}}{{{\mu _{\text{g}}}}}} \right)}^{0.1}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}} \right)}^{0.5}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}} \right)}^{0.9}}} \right]}^{0.8}}}} $
    Baroczy[24] $\alpha = {\left[ {1 + {{\left( {\dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}} \right)}^{0.72}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}} \right)}^{0.65}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\mu _{\text{f}}}}}{{{\mu _{\text{g}}}}}} \right)}^{0.13}}} \right]^{ - 1}}$
    Smith[25] $\alpha = {\left\{ {1 + 0.4\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}\left( {\dfrac{1}{x} - 1} \right) + 0.6\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}\left( {\dfrac{1}{x} - 1} \right){{\left[ {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}/{\rho _{\text{g}}} + 0.4(1/x - 1)}}{{1 + 0.4(1/x - 1)}}} \right]}^{1/2}}} \right\}^{ - 1}}$
    Wallis[26] $ \alpha = {\left\{ {1 + {{\left[ {{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\mu _{\text{f}}}}}{{{\mu _{\text{g}}}}}} \right)}^{0.1}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}} \right)}^{0.5}}{{\left( {\dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}} \right)}^{0.9}}} \right]}^{0.8}}} \right\}^{ - 0.38}} $
    Chisholm[27] $\alpha = \dfrac{1}{{1 + \dfrac{{1 - x}}{x}\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}\sqrt {1 - x\left( {1 - \dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{f}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}} \right)} }}$
       α—空泡份额;p—压力,MPa; $ {\rho _{\text{g}}} $—气相密度,kg/m3; $ {\rho _{\text{f}}} $—液相密度,kg/m3; $ {\mu _{\text{g}}} $—气相粘度,Pa∙s; $ {\mu _{\text{f}}} $—液相粘度,Pa∙s
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    表  4  汽泡尺寸计算结果

    Table  4.   Calculation Results of Bubble Size

    工况序号 测点1 测点4
    1 1.2~3.0 23.7~59.2 0 0
    2 1.5~3.0 29.6~59.2 3.0~8.0 59.2~157.9
    3 1.0~3.0 19.7~59.2 5.0~8.0 98.7~157.9
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