Research on Key Technology of Fuel Rod Oxide Film Thickness Measurement System
摘要: 核反应堆燃料组件长期服役过程中,锆合金与高温水作用会产生氧化形成一层氧化膜,由于膜层较薄,测量精度需要达到±5 μm,测量精度的高要求为氧化膜厚度测量系统的研发带来难度。为此,本文在涡流提离效应的基础上研制了一套燃料棒氧化膜厚度测量系统,讨论了测量系统中的关键技术,同时对涡流提离效应的电磁场进行仿真。测试结果表明,该测量系统测量精度高、稳定可靠,可实现在役燃料棒氧化膜的厚度测量。Abstract: During the long-term service of nuclear reactor fuel assembly, zirconium alloy reacts with high-temperature water to form an oxide film. The measurement precision needs to reach ± 5μm due to the thin film. The high requirement of measurement precision brings difficulties to the development of the oxide film thickness measurement system. Therefore, based on the eddy current lift-off effect, a fuel rod oxide film thickness measurement system is developed in this paper. The key technology in the system is discussed, and the electromagnetic field of eddy current lift-off effect is simulated. The test results show that the measurement system has high precision, stability and reliability, and can measure the thickness of oxide film of in-service fuel rods.
Key words:
- Eddy current /
- Oxide film /
- Measurement system
表 1 氧化膜厚度的测量值与实际值对比
Table 1. Comparison of Measured and Actual Oxide Film Thicknesses
编号 采样点 实际厚度/μm 测量厚度/μm 误差/μm 1 1558 9.5 10.53 1.03 2 2239 26.3 28.35 2.05 3 2713 49.5 51.51 2.01 4 3430 70.5 67.15 −3.35 5 4700 89.9 85.94 −3.96 -
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