Effect of Final Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of N36 Alloy Tube
摘要: 为了对N36合金管材的微观结构和应用性能进行优化和调控,通过分析不同最终退火温度(520~560℃)下N36合金管材的性能数据,研究了最终退火温度对N36合金管材微观结构和性能的影响。经过研究发现,不同最终退火温度对于N36合金管材中的第二相粒子影响不大,主要影响N36合金管材的再结晶程度和晶粒尺寸,最终退火温度越高,则N36合金管材的再结晶程度越高,晶粒尺寸越大。随着最终退火温度升高,N36合金管材的室温和高温轴向和环向的强度明显降低,同时延伸率明显升高,主要是最终退火工艺对N36合金管材再结晶程度和晶粒尺寸的影响所造成的。随着最终退火温度升高,N36合金管材耐腐蚀性能提高,560℃最终退火温度的N36合金管材耐腐蚀性能明显优于其他管材,主要是560℃最终退火温度的N36合金管材再结晶程度最高所造成的。Abstract: In order to optimize and control the microstructure and properties of N36 alloy tube, the effect of final annealing temperature on the microstructure and properties of N36 alloy tube was studied by analyzing the performance data of N36 alloy tube at different final annealing temperatures (520~560°C). The results show that different final annealing temperatures mainly affect the recrystallization fraction and grain size of the N36 alloy tubes, while have little influence on the second phase particles. The higher the final annealing temperature, the higher the recrystallization fraction and the larger the grain size of N36 alloy tube. With the increase of final annealing temperature, the room temperature and high temperature axial and circumferential tensile strength decreased and the elongation increased significantly, which was mainly caused by the influence of final annealing process on the recrystallization fraction and grain size of N36 alloy tube. With the increase of final annealing temperature, the corrosion resistance of N36 alloy tube is improved, and the corrosion resistance of N36 alloy tube with final annealing temperature of 560°C is obviously better than other tubes, mainly due to the highest recrystallization fraction of N36 alloy pipe with final annealing temperature of 560°C.
Key words:
- N36 alloy tube /
- Annealing temperature /
- Microstructure /
- Property
表 1 N36合金化学成分
Table 1. Chemical Composition of N36 Alloy
元素 Sn Nb Fe O Zr 质量分数/% 0.85 1.00 0.28 0.10 Bal. 表 2 不同退火温度N36合金管材再结晶度和晶粒尺寸
Table 2. Recrystallization Fraction and Grain Size of N36 Alloy Tube With Different Annealing Temperatures
退火温度/℃ 再结晶度/% 晶粒尺寸/μm 520 79.4 1.96 540 84.3 2.10 560 93.3 2.33 -
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