Experimental Study on Axial Evolution Characteristics of Single-phase Turbulent Mixing in Rod Bundle Sub-channels with Grids
摘要: 子通道间的湍流交混是影响堆芯内热工参数准确计算的关键因素,对于提升反应堆安全分析的精度具有重要意义。对于带格架棒束子通道间湍流交混,现有研究常采用热扩散系数研究其平均效应,缺乏对其轴向演化特性的详细分析。本文基于示踪剂分析方法,对带格架与不带格架的双子通道单相湍流交混的轴向演化特性开展了实验研究。实验结果表明格架对于单相湍流交混具有显著增强作用。相对于无格架工况,格架处由于格架强扰动和横流作用湍流交混增强作用最强,格架近下游由于反向横流作用增强作用最弱,格架远下游略强于格架上游,且增强作用可以持续较长距离。Abstract: The turbulent mixing between rod bundle sub-channels is a key part that affects the accurate calculation of thermal parameters in the reactor core, which is of great significance to improve the accuracy of reactor safety analysis. For the turbulent mixing between rod bundle sub-channels with grids, the existing research often uses the thermal diffusion coefficient to study its average effect, and lacks detailed analysis of its axial evolution characteristics. In this paper, based on the tracer analysis method, the single-phase turbulent mixing characteristics of the two sub-channels with and without the grid were studied experimentally, and the experimental results showed that the grid had a significant enhancement effect on single-phase turbulent mixing. Compared with the non-grid condition, the enhancement effect of turbulent mixing at the grid was the strongest due to the strong disturbance of the grid and cross-flow effect, the near downstream of the grid was the weakest due to the reverse cross-flow effect, the far downstream of the grid was slightly stronger than the upstream of the grid, and the enhancement effect could last for a long distance.
Key words:
- Grid /
- Rod bundle sub-channels /
- Axial direction /
- Single-phase /
- Turbulent mixing
表 1 单相湍流交混实验工况表
Table 1. Single-phase Turbulent Mixing Experimental Conditions
工况序号 液相流速jl/(m·s−1) 雷诺数(Re) 1 0.45 3004 2 0.55 3668 3 0.65 4336 4 0.80 5335 5 1.00 6669 6 1.50 10003 7 2.25 15005 8 3.00 20007 -
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