Multifactorial Coupling Enhancement Testing and Research on Improvement of Control Mode of Nuclear-grade Electric Shut-off Valve
摘要: 阀门作为核反应堆系统中的关键能动设备,其可靠性直接决定着反应堆安全及人员安全。针对核电厂常用阀门——电动截止阀,基于既往故障数据分析和结构特点,发现核级电动截止阀的主要故障是位置指示器与行程位置不匹配导致阀门内漏。以此为基础设计了耦合强化试验,模拟综合使用工况下的振动强化效应,使得在较短时间内激发电动截止阀的故障,然后根据故障原因提出以堵转电流控制关阀的方式解决内漏问题。试验结果表明,改进控制方式后以转矩控制机构控制关闭,电动截止阀关闭正常无泄漏。Abstract: As the key active equipment in the nuclear reactor system, the reliability of valves directly determines the safety of nuclear reactors and personnel. In this paper, aming at the common valves (electric shut-off valve) in nuclear power plant, and based on the analysis of previous fault data and structural characteristics, it is found that the main fault of the electric shut-off valve is that the position indicator does not match the travel position, resulting in internal leakage of the valve. On this basis, the coupling enhancement test scheme was designed to simulate the vibration strengthening effect under comprehensive conditions. The failure of electric shut-off valve was stimulated in a relatively short period of time in the test. Finally, it was proposed to change the drive control mode to solve the problem of internal leakage of electric shut-off valve according to the cause of fault. The test results show that after improving the control mode, the torque control mechanism is used to control the closing, and the valve is closed normally without leakage.
表 1 电动截止阀样机主要设计参数和指标
Table 1. Main Design Parameters and Indicators of Electric Shut-off Valve
参数名 参数值 通径 DN50 运行压力/MPa 12.0 最高工作温度/℃ 120 最大工作压差/MPa 12.0 质保等级 QA1 安全级 2 抗震等级 1A 电气鉴定程序 K3 设计寿命/a 60 开关时间/s ≤25 驱动装置功率/kW 0.75 -
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