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张嘉鑫 鲍辉 丛腾龙 顾汉洋

张嘉鑫, 鲍辉, 丛腾龙, 顾汉洋. 紧密栅棒束通道氦氙混合气体流动传热特性数值模拟研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2024, 45(4): 53-60. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.04.0053
引用本文: 张嘉鑫, 鲍辉, 丛腾龙, 顾汉洋. 紧密栅棒束通道氦氙混合气体流动传热特性数值模拟研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2024, 45(4): 53-60. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.04.0053
Zhang Jiaxin, Bao Hui, Cong Tenglong, Gu Hanyang. Numerical Simulation on Flow Heat Transfer Characteristics of Helium-Xenon Mixture in Tight Lattice Rod Bundle Channel[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2024, 45(4): 53-60. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.04.0053
Citation: Zhang Jiaxin, Bao Hui, Cong Tenglong, Gu Hanyang. Numerical Simulation on Flow Heat Transfer Characteristics of Helium-Xenon Mixture in Tight Lattice Rod Bundle Channel[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2024, 45(4): 53-60. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.04.0053


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.04.0053
基金项目: 核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室运行基金项目(LRSDT2022407)

    张嘉鑫(1999—),男,博士研究生,现主要从事高温气冷堆热力耦合方面的研究,E-mail: zhangjiaxinzjx@sjtu.edu.cn


    丛腾龙,E-mail: tlcong@sjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TK124

Numerical Simulation on Flow Heat Transfer Characteristics of Helium-Xenon Mixture in Tight Lattice Rod Bundle Channel

  • 摘要: 针对氦氙冷却高温气冷堆堆芯设计和分析需求,本研究建立了一套涵盖物性模型、湍流模型与湍流普朗特数模型的氦氙混合气体三维流动传热模型,并基于此模型开展了棒束通道内氦氙混合气体流动传热数值分析,研究几何参数和运行参数对相关特性的影响规律。结果表明:包壳存在会对紧密栅棒束通道内流动传热带来较大的周向非均匀性,在子通道模拟及整体三维数值模拟中均应考虑包壳导热影响;除包壳外,紧密栅棒束通道内氦氙流动传热则主要受栅径比影响,同一工况下栅径比越大,混合气体对流换热越强烈。


  • 图  1  氦氙混合气体物性对比

    Figure  1.  Comparison of Physical Properties of Helium and Xenon Mixture

    图  2  不同Prt模型壁面温度计算结果对比

    Figure  2.  Comparison of Wall Temperature Calculation Results under Different Prt Models

    图  3  DNS泊肃叶流模拟几何及传热模型

    Figure  3.  Geometry and Heat Transfer Model of DNS Poiseuille Flow Simulation

    图  4  不同Prt模型下无量纲温度分布

    Figure  4.  Comparison of Dimensionless Temperature Distributions under Different Prt Models

    图  5  棒束通道几何及计算域示意图

    Figure  5.  Schematic Diagram of Rod Bundle Channel Geometry and Computational Domain

    图  6  计算域网格设置

    Figure  6.  Meshes of Computational Domain

    图  7  网格无关性验证

    Figure  7.  Grid Independence Validation

    图  8  流体通道出口温度分布

    Figure  8.  Temperature Distribution at the Outlet of Fluid Channel

    图  9  包壳外壁面热流密度分布

    Figure  9.  Heat Flux Density Distribution on the Outer Wall of Cladding

    图  10  传热及几何参数对Nu的影响

    Figure  10.  Effect of Heat Transfer and Geometric Parameters on Nu

    表  1  现有低Pr流体Prt模型

    Table  1.   Existing Prt Models of Fluids with Low Pr

    模型 关系式
    默认 Prt=0.85
    Kays[9] $ {Pr _{\text{t}}} = 1\bigg/\left\{ {\dfrac{1}{{2{{Pr }_{{\text{t,}}\infty }}}} + CP{e_t}\sqrt {\dfrac{1}{{{{Pr }_{{\text{t,}}\infty }}}}} - {{\left( {CP{e_{\text{t}}}} \right)}^2} \times \left[ {1 - {\text{exp}}\left( {\dfrac{{ - 1}}{{CP{e_{\text{t}}}\sqrt {{{Pr }_{{\text{t,}}\infty }}} }}} \right)} \right]} \right\}, {Pr _{{\text{t,}}\infty }} = 0.85 $
    Weigand[10] $ \begin{gathered}Pr_{\text{t}}=1\bigg/\left\{\dfrac{1}{2Pr_{\text{t,}\infty}}+CPe_{\mathrm{t}}\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{Pr_{\text{t},\infty}}}-\left(CPe_{\text{t}}\right)^2\times\left[1-\text{exp}\left(\dfrac{-1}{CPe_{\text{t}}\sqrt{Pr_{\text{t,}\infty}}}\right)\right]\right\} \\ Pr_{{\mathrm{t}},\infty}=0.85+\dfrac{100}{Pr\cdot Re^{0.888}} \\ \end{gathered} $
    Zhou[7] $ \begin{gathered}Pr\mathrm{_t}=1\bigg/\left\{\dfrac{1}{2Pr_{\text{t,}\infty}}+CPe_{\mathrm{t}}\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{Pr_{\text{t},\infty}}}-\left(CPe_{\text{t}}\right)^2\times\left[1-\text{exp}\left(\dfrac{-1}{CPe_{\text{t}}\sqrt{Pr_{\text{t},\infty}}}\right)\right]\right\} \\ Pr_{\text{t,}\infty}=Pr_{\text{t,local}}=0.80+\dfrac{30}{Pr\cdot Re_{\text{local}}^{0.888}},Re_{\text{local}}=\dfrac{\rho_{\text{local}}u_{\text{local}}D}{\mu_{\text{local}}} \\ \end{gathered} $
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    表  2  实验工况

    Table  2.   Experimental Conditions

    工况编号 热流密度/(W·m−2) 质量流速/(kg·m−2·s−1) 入口温度/K 出口压力/Pa 摩尔质量M/(g·mol−1) Pr Re
    Run689 96326 357.1 295.5 480141 83.8 0.25 61987
    Run696 136770 156.4 297.9 563474 39.5 0.21 27897
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-10-11
  • 修回日期:  2024-03-08
  • 刊出日期:  2024-08-12


