Numerical Study on Characteristics of Subcooled Flow Boiling with the Coupling Effect of 3×3 Petal-Shaped Fuel Rods and Coolant
摘要: 为推动花瓣形燃料棒在水冷堆中的工程应用,必须了解冷却剂在花瓣形燃料棒束子通道内过冷流动沸腾特性。为此,本研究采用欧拉两流体模型和壁面沸腾模型,开展了3×3花瓣形燃料棒-冷却剂耦合作用下过冷流动沸腾数值研究。利用模拟结果探究不同子通道内空泡份额、壁面温度、横向流速等参数分布,以及均匀加热方式与轴向余弦加热方式对流动与换热的影响。结果表明,角燃料棒上最先出现过冷沸腾,随着加热功率增加,角、边、中心燃料棒上的过冷沸腾起始点(ONB)位置不均匀性减小;在相同加热条件下,角燃料棒上ONB处壁面过热度最大,其次是边燃料棒,中心燃料棒最小;燃料棒内凹弧处表面热流密度大于外凸弧处。总加热量一定的条件下,余弦加热和均匀加热相比,其壁面分布不均匀性降低。
- 小型反应堆 /
- 花瓣形燃料棒 /
- 过冷沸腾 /
- 过冷沸腾起始点(ONB)
Abstract: In order to promote the engineering application of petal-shaped fuel rods in water-cooled reactors, it is necessary to understand the subcooled flow boiling characteristics of coolant in the sub-channels of petal-shaped fuel rod bundles. The Euler model and wall boiling model were applied to numerically simulate the subcooled flow boiling under the coupling effect of 3×3 petal-shaped fuel rods and coolant. Using the simulation results, the distribution of parameters such as void fraction, wall temperature and transverse flow velocity in different sub-channels, as well as the effects of uniform heating mode and axial cosine heating mode on flow and heat transfer were explored. The research results indicate that subcooled boiling occurs first on corner fuel rods, and with the increase of heating power, the position unevenness of onset of nucleate boilding (ONB) of subcooled boiling of the corner, edge and center fuel rods decreases. Under the same heating conditions, the wall superheat at ONB on the corner fuel rod is the largest, followed by the edge fuel rod and the center fuel rod is the smallest. The surface heat flux at the inner concave arc of the fuel rod is greater than that at the outer convex arc. Under the condition of constant total heating, cosine heating reduces the non-uniformity of wall temperature compared with uniform heating. -
表 1 几何参数
Table 1. Geometric Parameters
几何参数 参数值 棒直径/外弧半径(D/R1) 5.147 节径比(LP/D) 1.07 HP/m 0.5 L/m 0.5 表 2 边界条件
Table 2. Boundary Conditions
边界条件区域 类型 入口 速度入口 出口 压力出口 燃料棒壁面 均匀热流/余弦加热 外壁面 周期性边界 -
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