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郭林 万承辉 吴宏春

郭林, 万承辉, 吴宏春. 基于任意四边形网格和保角变换的中子扩散求解方法研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2024, 45(5): 53-61. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.05.0053
引用本文: 郭林, 万承辉, 吴宏春. 基于任意四边形网格和保角变换的中子扩散求解方法研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2024, 45(5): 53-61. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.05.0053
Guo Lin, Wan Chenghui, Wu Hongchun. Method Research on Neutron-diffusion Solution Based on Arbitrary Quadrilateral Mesh and Conformal Mapping[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2024, 45(5): 53-61. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.05.0053
Citation: Guo Lin, Wan Chenghui, Wu Hongchun. Method Research on Neutron-diffusion Solution Based on Arbitrary Quadrilateral Mesh and Conformal Mapping[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2024, 45(5): 53-61. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.05.0053


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.05.0053
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12005164)

    郭 林(1997—),男,博士研究生,现主要从事核反应堆物理计算方法研究,E-mail: gl1125@stu.xjtu.edu.cn


    万承辉,E-mail: wan.ch@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TL329

Method Research on Neutron-diffusion Solution Based on Arbitrary Quadrilateral Mesh and Conformal Mapping

  • 摘要: 为解决传统“横平竖直”的节块网格难以处理压水堆燃料组件弯曲导致的节块网格变形问题,本文根据非线性迭代中子扩散求解思路,开展了基于任意四边形网格和保角变换的中子扩散求解方法研究。采用任意四边形网格刻画燃料组件弯曲导致的节块网格变形现象,建立基于任意四边形网格的全局粗网差分有限方程;采用保角变换将任意四边形变换为矩形,建立基于保角变换的局部两节块展开方程。基于二维mini-core堆芯和华龙一号堆芯构造弯曲算例的计算结果表明:本文所提方法计算弯曲算例的堆芯有效增殖系数(keff)和功率分布结果与NECP-MCX参考解符合较好。因此,本文提出的方法能够较为准确地模拟燃料组件弯曲现象。


  • 图  1  任意四边形网格划分

    Figure  1.  Arbitrary Quadrilateral Mesh Division

    图  2  任意四边形网格边界连续

    ${{l}}_{i+}^k $—第k个节块中心到i正方向面的距离;${{l}}_{i-}^{k+1} $—第(k+1)个节块中心到i负方向面的距离

    Figure  2.  Continuous Boundary between Quadrilateral Mesh

    图  3  任意四边形网格到矩形网格的保角变换

    Figure  3.  Conformal Mapping from Quadrilateral to Rectangle

    图  4  结合保角变换的中子扩散非线性迭代流程

    Figure  4.  Nonlinear Iteration Process for Neutron-diffusion Combined with Conformal Mapping

    图  5  二维 mini-core堆芯径向布置

    Figure  5.  Radial Configuration of 2D mini-core

    图  6  二维 mini-core常规模型功率分布相对偏差 %

    Figure  6.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for 2D mini-core Normal Model

    图  7  二维 mini-core弯曲算例

    Figure  7.  Bowing Cases of 2D mini-core

    图  8  NECP-MCX计算二维 mini-core弯曲算例功率分布相对变化 %

    Figure  8.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for 2D Mini-core Bowing Cases by NECP-MCX

    图  9  改进前的Bamboo-C计算2D mini-core弯曲算例功率分布相对变化 %

    Figure  9.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for 2D Mini-core Bowing Cases by Previous Bamboo-C

    图  10  改进后的Bamboo-C计算2D mini-core弯曲算例功率分布相对变化 %

    Figure  10.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for 2D Mini-core Bowing Cases by Improved Bamboo-C

    图  11  华龙一号堆芯径向布置

    Figure  11.  Radial Configuration of HPR1000

    图  12  华龙一号堆芯常规模型功率分布相对偏差 %

    Figure  12.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for HPR1000 Normal Model

    图  13  华龙一号弯曲算例示意图

    Figure  13.  Schematic Diagram of Bowing Case for HPR1000

    图  14  NECP-MCX计算华龙一号弯曲算例功率分布相对变化 %

    Figure  14.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for HPR1000 Bowing Cases by NECP-MCX

    图  15  改进前的Bamboo-C计算华龙一号弯曲算例功率分布相对变化 %

    Figure  15.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for HPR1000 Bowing Cases by Previous Bamboo-C

    图  16  改进后的Bamboo-C计算华龙一号弯曲算例功率分布相对变化 %

    Figure  16.  Relative Bias of Power Distribution for HPR1000 Bowing Cases by Improved Bamboo-C

    表  1  二维 mini-core弯曲算例keff的对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of keff for 2D Mini-core Bowing Cases

    程序 keff相较于常规模型的变化/pcm
    弯曲算例1 弯曲算例2
    NECP-MCX −6 −70
    改进前的Bamboo-C −0.1 −15
    改进后的Bamboo-C −7.3 −44
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    表  2  华龙一号堆芯弯曲算例keff的对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of keff for HPR1000 Bowing Cases

    程序 keff相较于常规模型的变化/pcm
    弯曲算例1 弯曲算例2
    NECP-MCX −0.11 −0.50
    改进前的Bamboo-C −0.15 0.30
    改进后的Bamboo-C −0.16 0.13
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-11-03
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