Design and Experimental Study of High Temperature Flowing Liquid Metal Corrosion Device
摘要: 针对核聚变装置中液态锂第一壁及液态金属包层部件中高温流动液态金属对结构材料的相容性问题,尤其是腐蚀性问题,设计一种高温流动液态金属腐蚀实验装置,采用ANSYS软件对液态金属流动与传热特性进行三维数值模拟分析,模拟和测试结果表明该实验装置能够实现第一壁和包层结构中液态锂温度(300~600℃)和流速(<0.2 m/s)的工况,具备开展高温动态液态锂与结构材料腐蚀特性研究的条件。同时,初步开展相对流速0.2 m/s、550℃液态锂对国产低活化铁素体/马氏体钢(9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y钢)长达1000 h的腐蚀特性研究。实验结果表明,9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y钢发生了明显的晶界腐蚀和孔蚀,样件表面硬度因不均匀腐蚀导致不同程度的降低。X射线衍射分析结果表明,腐蚀后的9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y钢表面并未发生相变,但因304不锈钢腐蚀罐体中Ni元素的溶解迁移导致其表面出现03-1049#FeNi峰。Abstract: Aiming at the compatibility problem of high-temperature flowing liquid metal on structural materials, especially the corrosion problem, in the first wall of liquid lithium and liquid metal blanket components in the nuclear fusion reactor, a high-temperature flowing liquid metal corrosion experimental device is designed, and three-dimensional numerical simulation and analysis of the flow and heat transfer characteristics of the liquid metal are carried out by using the software ANSYS. The simulation and test results show that the experimental device can realize the conditions of liquid lithium temperature (300-600℃) and flow rate (< 0.2 m/s) in the first wall and blanket structure, and is qualified to study the corrosion characteristics of dynamic liquid lithium and structural materials at high temperature. Meanwhile, the corrosion behavior of domestically produced low-activation ferrite/martensite steel (9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y steel) in 0.2 m/s liquid Li at 550℃ for 1000 hours (h) is preliminarily studied. The results show that 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y steel experiences obvious intergranular corrosion and pitting corrosion, and the surface hardness of the sample is reduced to different degrees due to non-uniform corrosion. The XRD analysis reveals that there is no phase transformation on the corroded surface of 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y steel. The 03-1049#FeNi peak is detected on the sample' surface due to the dissolution and migration of Ni element from the 304 stainless steel vessel.
Key words:
- Corrosion device /
- Thermodynamic simulation /
- Liquid lithium /
- RAFM steel /
- Corrosion characteristics
表 1 模拟分析中工质的热物性
Table 1. Thermal Properties of Working Medium in Simulation Analysis
表 2 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y钢成份及含量(质量百分比,%)
Table 2. Composition and Content of 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y Steel
特征牌号 C Cr Si Mn W Mo V Ta Ti N Y 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y 0.08~0.11 8.9~9.5 0.1~0.2 0.45~0.55 1.1~1.3 0.3~0.5 0.2~0.3 0.15~0.22 0.04~0.06 0.01~0.02 0.3 表 3 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y钢腐蚀前后表面成份及含量变化(质量百分比,%)
Table 3. Surface Composition and Content Changes of 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y Steel before and after Corrosion
样品状态 C Cr Si Mn W Mo Fe Ni 腐蚀前 0 9.4 0.2 0.45 1.3 0.6 86.7 0 腐蚀后 8.7 5.0 0.2 0.5 0.6 0 72.4 2.3 表 4 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y钢腐蚀前后表面硬度变化
Table 4. Surface Hardness Changes of 9Cr-0.4Mo-0.3Y Steel before and after Corrosion
参数名 腐蚀前 腐蚀后 位点1 位点2 位点3 位点4 位点5 样件硬度值/HV 224.8 185.3 137.3 191.3 140.5 197.8 -
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