Optimization of Oxygen Control Strategy for Corrosion Mitigation in Lead-Bismuth Cooled Fast Reactors
摘要: 为获得铅铋快堆燃料包壳腐蚀缓解的最优氧含量控制策略,本研究通过构建T91氧化/腐蚀模型,分析了燃料元件包壳界面的演化规律。在此基础上,以氧化层厚度为优化问题的约束条件,采用鲸鱼优化算法(WOA)对氧含量控制策略进行了寻优分析,得到“低-中-高-低”循环波动氧含量控制策略。此外,本研究对固定氧主导条件与优化氧含量控制策略下的燃料元件表面氧化层分布进行了模拟对比。研究结果表明,在优化氧含量控制策略下,燃料元件包壳未触发溶解腐蚀,且表面氧化层的整体厚度较固定氧主导工况有显著减少,其中磁铁矿层平均厚度同比下降95.6%;尖晶石层平均厚度下降44.2%,本文所构建的最优氧含量控制策略可为铅铋快堆包壳腐蚀缓解提供参考。Abstract: To obtain the optimal oxygen content control strategy for mitigating corrosion of fuel cladding in lead-bismuth fast reactors (LBFRs), this study constructed a T91 oxidation/corrosion model to analyze the evolution of the fuel element cladding interface. On this basis, taking the thickness of oxide layer as the constraint condition of the optimization problem, the whale optimization algorithm (WOA) was used to optimize the oxygen content control strategy, and the "low-medium-high-low" cyclic fluctuation oxygen content control strategy was obtained. Furthermore, this study simulated and compared the distribution of the oxide layer on the surface of fuel elements under fixed oxygen-dominated condition and optimized oxygen control strategy. The results indicated that under the optimized oxygen control strategy, the fuel element cladding did not trigger dissolution corrosion, and the overall thickness of the surface oxide layer was significantly reduced compared to the fixed oxygen-dominated condition, with an average thickness reduction of 95.6% for the magnetite layer and 44.2% for the spinel layer. The optimal oxygen content control strategy constructed in this paper can provide a reference for mitigating corrosion of cladding in lead-bismuth fast reactors.
表 1 典型铅基快堆设计参数
Table 1. Design Parameters of Typical Lead-based Fast Reactor
参数名 参数值 堆芯质量流量/(kg·s−1) 12238 堆芯热功率/MW 1500 冷却剂最大流速/(m·s−1) 2 冷却剂入口温度/K 673 堆芯活性段高度/m 1.2 包壳外径/mm 10.6 包壳内径/mm 9.4 -
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