Intelligent Diagnosis and Monitoring for Abnormal Operation Event of Reactor Coolant System
摘要: 为解决传统基于深度学习(DL)的智能故障诊断模型无法监测系统未知异常运行事件的问题,本研究基于变分推断的概率深度神经网络(VI-PDNN)构建反应堆冷却剂系统智能诊断框架,对异常事件类别实现诊断同时量化评估输出结果的不确定性。该框架能够有效利用已知与未知运行事件的不确定性差异实现对未知异常运行事件的有效监测预警。最后,基于已建立反应堆模拟机仿真数据对本文提出方法进行验证。研究结果表明,提出的方法不仅能够针对系统已知事件获取较高的诊断精度,同时能有效监测预警未知异常事件,为实际环境下反应堆系统运行实时智能状态诊断与监测提供一种有效技术手段。Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the traditional deep learning (DL)-based intelligent fault diagnosis model cannot monitor the unknown abnormal operation events, this work constructs an intelligent diagnosis framework based on the probabilistic deep neural network (VI-PDNN) model of variational inference, which realizes the diagnosis of the abnormal event categories of the reactor coolant system and quantitatively evaluates the uncertainty of the output results. The framework can effectively utilize the uncertainty difference between known and unknown operating events to achieve effective monitoring and warning of unknown abnormal operating events. Finally, the proposed methodology is validated based on simulation data from an established reactor simulator. The results show that the proposed method not only obtains high diagnostic accuracy for known events, but also effectively monitors and warns against unknown abnormal events, providing an effective means for real-time intelligent state diagnosis and monitoring of reactor system operation in real environment.
表 1 反应堆冷却剂系统运行已知与未知事件
Table 1. Known and Unknown Operation Events for
事件编号 事件详细信息 事件类型 N-1 稳态运行 已知 N-2 反应堆功率升高10% 已知 N-3 反应堆功率升高20% 已知 A-1 冷却剂丧失事故 5% 已知 A-2 一回路主泵转速下降50% 已知 A-3 一回路主泵卡轴 已知 A-4 给水泵转速下降50% 已知 A-5 给水泵卡轴 已知 B-1 意外的反应性引入事故 未知 B-2 冷却剂丧失事故 20% 未知 表 2 不同方法针对已知事件的诊断性能对比
Table 2. Comparison of Diagnostic Performance for Known Events with Different Methods
模型 平均准确率 平均F1分数 传统模型 94% 89% 提出的方法 98% 99% 表 3 不同方法针对异常事件的检测率对比
Table 3. Comparisons of Abnormal Event Detection Rates with Different Methods
模型类别 异常事件检测率 B-1 B-2 深度集成方法 78% 74% MC Dropout 方法 92% 100% 提出的方法 100% 100% -
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