Research and Application of Transient Satistical Method for Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 核电厂瞬态发生次数与设备疲劳寿命密切相关,因此瞬态统计对提升核电厂智能化运维水平和运行许可证延续申请均有重要的意义。目前国内外瞬态统计方法存在训练数据量大、泛化能力差等缺点,在工程中应用较少。本文根据设计瞬态变化规律建立了基于等效距离度量的瞬态分类方法,实现了瞬态划分、归类和计数过程的自动化。通过核电厂运行数据对当前瞬态分类方法进行了验证,结果显示当前方法能够有效实现多种运行瞬态的统计工作。瞬态统计方法的应用对核电厂智能化水平的提升和运行许可证延续均具有重要的作用。Abstract: The number of transient occurrences of nuclear power plants is closely related to the fatigue life of equipment, so transient statistics are of great significance for improving the level of intelligent operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants and the renewal of operation licenses. At present, transient statistical methods at home and abroad have the disadvantages of large training data and poor generalization ability, and are rarely used in engineering. In this paper, a transient classification method based on equivalent distance measurement is established according to the design transient variation law, and the automation of transient classification, segmentation and counting process is realized. The current transient classification method is verified by the operation data of nuclear power plants, and the results show that the current method can effectively realize the statistical work of various operating transients. The application of transient statistical method plays an important role in the improvement of the intelligence level of nuclear power plants and the continuation of operation permits.
表 1 某核电厂运行瞬态统计结果
Table 1. Operational Transient Statistics of a Nuclear Power Plant
序号 瞬态名称 瞬态发生次数 1 功率降低(100%~15%) 7 2 功率增加(15%~100%) 6 3 功率阶跃上升(+10%) 3 4 功率运行波动(90%~100%) 5 5 降功率至热停堆100%→15%→0 1 6 反应堆冷却 1 -
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