Development and Validation of Multi-physics Coupling Framework for Reactors
摘要: 基于耦合框架开发耦合程序,采用框架实现耦合数据传递和流程控制,可以提高耦合程序的开发效率,并降低开发难度。介绍了反应堆多物理耦合框架MORE的总体架构、核心模块和使用方式。通过验证和应用表明,MORE可快速建立耦合流程,实现不同专业程序之间耦合数据的高精度映射与传递,极大地提高耦合程序的开发效率,且保证了用于耦合的各专业程序的建模和网格划分的灵活性不受影响,实现了耦合框架的自主化。Abstract: Developing coupling codes based on a coupling framework and using the framework for coupling data transmission and process control can improve the development efficiency and reduce difficulty. This paper introduces the overall architecture, core modules, and use of the coupling framework named MORE. Through verification and application, it has been shown that the coupling framework MORE can quickly establish the coupling process, achieve high-precision mapping and transmission of coupling data between different codes, greatly improve the development efficiency of coupling codes, and ensure that the flexibility of modeling and grid division of various professional codes for coupling is not affected, thus realizing the autonomy of the coupling framework.
Key words:
- Mesh mapping /
- Multi-physics coupling framework /
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