Development and Application of Autonomous Computational Fluid Dynamics Code WINGS-CFD for Nuclear Reactors
摘要: 为满足反应堆高精度流动传热数值仿真需求,提出了一种基于面向对象的、分层架构设计的、高可扩展的自主化反应堆计算流体动力学(CFD)软件WINGS-CFD 。从理论模型、数值离散方法、软件架构等方面介绍WINGS-CFD软件的总体设计,并采用WINGS-CFD软件对反应堆典型场景流动传热工况进行了数值计算。结果表明,WINGS-CFD计算结果的精度与商用CFD软件的结果相当;WINGS-CFD软件具备优秀的并行性能,可支持亿级网格大规模数值仿真以及中子输运与流动传热耦合仿真,为反应堆系统的精细化多物理场分析提供了自主化数值技术手段。
- 反应堆 /
- 计算流体动力学(CFD) /
- 流动传热 /
- 分层架构
Abstract: To meet the requirements of high-precision numerical simulation of reactor flow and heat transfer, this article introduces WINGS-CFD (Workbench of Intelligent Nuclear reactor desiGn and Simulation-Computational Fluid Dynamics), an autonomous Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code for nuclear reactors developed by Nuclear Power Institute of China, which is designed based on the object-oriented and hierarchical architecture principles with a high degree of extension. This article comprehensively outlines the overall design concepts of WINGS-CFD, covering aspects such as theoretical models, numerical discretization methods, and code architecture. Numerical calculations for typical reactor scenarios involving flow and heat transfer conditions are conducted using WINGS-CFD. The results show that the accuracy of WINGS-CFD calculation results is equivalent to that of commercial CFD code. WINGS-CFD has excellent parallel performance, which can support large-scale numerical simulation of billions of grids and coupled simulation of neutron transport and flow and heat transfer, and provides an autonomous numerical technique for refined multi-physical field analysis of reactor system. -
表 1 CFD计算采用的流体物性
Table 1. Fluid Properties Used in CFD Calculations
参数名 参数值 密度/(kg·m−3) 998.2 粘度/[kg·(m·s)−1] 0.001003 比热容/[J·(kg·K)−1] 4182 导热系数/[W·(m·K)−1] 0.6 表 2 弱可扩展性测试结果
Table 2. Weak Scalability Testing Results
总数/万并行度 并行效率/% Fluent WINGS-CFD 40 32 100 100 80 64 91.33 93.04 160 128 24.08 85.36 -
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