Research on Optimizing Method of Vibration Control Based on Improved Vibration Isolation Mass Structure
摘要: 为进一步降低管路系统振动水平,降低管路振动治理成本,本文结合传统振动控制方法的特点,提出一种基于改进阻振质量结构的管路振动控制优化方法。采用动力吸振原理对管路系统振动传递进行控制, 通过分析三向参与质量对系统的抑振贡献度,设计了一种限位阻振质量结构,建立了一种管路系统振动控制优化策略,为管路系统全局振动控制提供手段。分析结果表明,该方法合理可行,可用于管道振动控制优化研究,具有一定的工程意义。Abstract: In order to further reduce the vibration level of the pipeline system and reduce the cost of pipeline vibration control, combined with the characteristics of traditional vibration control methods, this paper proposes an optimization method of pipe vibration control based on vibration isolation mass. The dynamic vibration absorption principle is used to control the vibration transmission of the pipeline system. By analyzing the contribution of three-direction participating masses to the vibration suppression of the system, a limited vibration isolation mass structure is designed, and an optimization strategy for vibration control of pipeline system is established, which provides a means for global vibration control of pipeline system. The analysis results show that this method is reasonable and feasible, and can be used in the optimization research of pipeline vibration control, which has certain engineering significance.
表 1 各支吊架振级输出
Table 1. Vibration Level Output of Each Support
支架编号 加速度振级/dB X向 Y向 Z向 3011 87.50 87.83 92.46 3012 82.94 87.84 90.41 3013 83.17 86.92 85.13 3014 83.12 95.89 86.53 3015 84.13 86.72 85.98 3016 92.75 88.95 85.05 3017 85.92 86.14 85.27 合计 95.69 98.61 96.71 最大 92.75 95.89 92.46 表 2 各支吊架输出加速度振级
Table 2. Acceleration Vibration Level Output of Each Support
编号加速度振级/dB 质量组合1
(4 kg+4 kg+
4 kg)质量组合2
(2kg+4 kg+
6 kg)质量组合3
(6 kg+4 kg+
2 kg)质量组合4
(8 kg+4 kg+
0 kg)3011-X 85.57 85.57 85.57 85.57 3012-X 84.23 84.23 84.23 84.23 3011-Y 87.62 87.63 87.62 87.62 3012-Y 88.25 88.26 88.27 88.27 3011-Z 87.28 87.30 87.26 87.26 3012-Z 93.66 93.66 93.66 93.66 表 3 系统总振级输出
Table 3. System Total Vibration Level Output
对比项目 加速度振级/dB X向 Y向 Z向 M1+M2+M3 方案1:0 kg+0 kg +0 kg 92.55 95.85 92.45 方案2:8.5 kg +9.8 kg +2.3 kg 91.77 94.41 89.08 振级落差 0.78 1.44 3.37 表 4 系统加速度总振级输出
Table 4. System Total Acceleration Vibration Level Output
对比项目 加速度振级/dB X向 Y向 Z向 Mz1+Mz2+Mz3 方案1:0 kg+0 kg +0 kg 92.55 95.85 92.45 方案2:13 kg +11 kg+6 kg 92.53 95.42 88.11 振级落差 0.02 0.43 4.34 -
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