The measurement process of nuclear instrumentation system has statistical fluctuation characteristics, its measurement signal is constantly changing. In the current instrument and control system simulation analysis, the nuclear instrumentation system model has no statistical fluctuation characteristics, so it is difficult to effectively assess the coherence and the signal fluctuation level of nuclear instrumentation system designs. Therefore, this paper studies the principle and composition of nuclear instrumentation system, designs the simulation model of the basic components of nuclear instrumentation system, construts a elaborate model of the nuclear instrumentation system. Through the simulation analysis of the reactor start-up process, it is shown that the signal generated by the simulation of the nuclear instrumentation system is in good agreement with the reactor start-up process, the three ranges are connected to each other by more than one order of magnitude, and the whole cycle signal is stable. The modeling method of nuclear instrumentation system proposed in this paper is able to simulate the statistical fluctuation charateristics of nuclear instrumentation system, and can be used to reflect the characteristics of the nuclear instrumentation system more comprehensively in the simulation of the instrumentation and control system, and obtain more realistic simulation results.