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袁搏 孙杰 肖瑶 丁冠群 顾汉洋

袁搏, 孙杰, 肖瑶, 丁冠群, 顾汉洋. 铅铋合金低流量对流传热及格架效应数值研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2025, 46(1): 128-135. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0128
引用本文: 袁搏, 孙杰, 肖瑶, 丁冠群, 顾汉洋. 铅铋合金低流量对流传热及格架效应数值研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2025, 46(1): 128-135. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0128
Yuan Bo, Sun Jie, Xiao Yao, Ding Guanqun, Gu Hanyang. Numerical Study on Convective Heat Transfer at Low Flow and Spacer Effects in Lead-bismuth Eutectic[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2025, 46(1): 128-135. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0128
Citation: Yuan Bo, Sun Jie, Xiao Yao, Ding Guanqun, Gu Hanyang. Numerical Study on Convective Heat Transfer at Low Flow and Spacer Effects in Lead-bismuth Eutectic[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2025, 46(1): 128-135. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0128


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0128
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(12322510,12075150);上海市青年科技启明星计划(22QA1404500)

    袁 搏(2001—),男,硕士研究生,现主要从事反应堆热工水力方向研究,E-mail: sunsetmaster@sjtu.edu.cn


    肖 瑶,E-mail: yxiao@sjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TL333

Numerical Study on Convective Heat Transfer at Low Flow and Spacer Effects in Lead-bismuth Eutectic

  • 摘要: 铅冷快堆的冷却剂铅铋合金(LBE)的传热特性相较于水等常规介质不同,为此本文对LBE在低流量下的流动传热特性及其格架效应进行了数值研究。通过和已有实验数据对比并结合先前研究确定了合适的湍流普朗特数模型和湍流模型,基于此采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法进行了LBE低流量对流传热计算,结果表明随着浮升力效应的增强,上升流传热先弱化后强化,下降流则一直表现为强化,此规律同水类似;但由于LBE普朗特数极低的特性,其整体的传热强、弱化程度相较于水大幅降低。在带有格架的管内CFD计算中发现在格架下游出现传热局部强化,该强化程度随浮升力效应增加而降低并逐渐消失,且格架下游死区强度和长度均随浮升力效应增加而呈现先增加后减少的趋势,转折点大致位于传热弱化区上升段和传热强化区的分界点。此外,在传热强化区并未出现传热振荡现象,此规律与水不同。


  • 图  1  带格架圆管示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic Diagram of the Tube with Spacer

    图  2  格架附近网格局部加密

    Figure  2.  Local Grid Refinement near the Spacer

    图  3  湍流模型和湍流普朗特数模型验证


    Figure  3.  Validation of Turbulence Models and Turbulence Prandtl Number Models

    图  4  LBE后台阶流计算结果与DNS对比


    Figure  4.  Comparison of LBE in Backward-Facing Step Flow Calculation Results with DNS

    图  5  网格敏感性分析

    Figure  5.  Grid Sensitivity Analysis

    图  6  浮升力对LBE传热影响分析

    Figure  6.  Analysis of Effect of Buoyancy on Heat Transfer of LBE

    图  7  上升流动时浮升力效应在水和LBE中表现对比

    Figure  7.  Comparison of Buoyancy Effect between Water and LBE in Upflow

    图  8  浮升力对LBE上升流场影响分析


    Figure  8.  Analysis of the Influence of Buoyancy on LBE Upflow

    图  9  LBE与水在湍流传热中分子导热所占比重对比

    Figure  9.  Comparison of the Proportion of Molecular Heat Conduction Between LBE and Water in Turbulent Heat Transfer

    图  10  格架下游LBE传热能力分析

    Figure  10.  Analysis of LBE Heat Transfer Capacity Downstream of Spacer

    图  11  Bo*=1.11×10−5工况LBE与水对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of LBE and Water in Bo* =1.11×10−5 Case

    图  12  Bo*=1.11×10−5工况速度分布云图

    Figure  12.  Velocity Distribution Nephogram in Bo*=1.11×10−5 Case

    表  1  LBE热物性

    Table  1.   Thermophysical Properties of LBE

    热物性 实验关联式
    密度ρ/(kg·m−3) $\rho = 11{\text{113}}{\text{.6}} - 1.3{\text{4}} \cdot T$
    比热容cp/(J·kg−1·K−1) $ c_p^{} = 156.2 - 1.6 \times {10^{ - 2}} \cdot T $
    动力粘度μ/(Pa·s) $ \mu =4.94\times {10}^{-4}\cdot \mathrm{exp}\left(\dfrac{757.1}{T}\right) $
    热导率λ/(W·m−1·K−1) $\lambda = 4.21 + 1.2 \times {10^{ - 2}} \cdot T$
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    表  2  湍流普朗特数模型

    Table  2.   Turbulent Prandtl Number Models

    湍流普朗特数模型 表达式
    Aoki(1963) ${Pr _{\text{t}}}^{ - 1} = 0.014{{Re} ^{0.45}}{Pr ^{0.2}}\left[ {1 - {\text{exp}}\left( { - \dfrac{1}{{0.014{{{Re} }^{0.45}}{{Pr }^{0.2}}}}} \right)} \right]$
    Reynolds(1975) $ {{Pr}}_{\text{t}}=(1+100P{\text{e}}^{-0.5})\left(\dfrac{1}{1+120{{Re}}^{-0.5}}-0.15\right) $
    Jischa-Rieke(1979) ${Pr _{\text{t}}} = 0.9 + \dfrac{{182.4}}{{ Pr {{{Re} }^{0.888}}}}$
    Kays(1994) ${ Pr _{\text{t}}} = 0.85 + \dfrac{{0.7}}{{\dfrac{{{\nu _{\text{t}}}}}{\nu } \cdot Pr }}$
    Cheng-Tak(2006) $ {{Pr}}_{\text{t}}=\left\{\begin{array}{c}4.12\begin{array}{ccc}\begin{array}{cc}\begin{array}{cc}{}_{}^{}& \end{array}& \end{array}& & \end{array}\begin{array}{cc}\begin{array}{cc}\begin{array}{l}\\ \end{array}& \end{array}& \end{array}0 < Pe\le 1000\\ \dfrac{0.01Pe}{(0.018P{e}^{0.8}-0.0009P\text{e}-\text{1}\text{.6})^{1.25}}\begin{array}{cc}& 1000 < Pe\le 2000\end{array}\\ \dfrac{0.01Pe}{(0.018P{e}^{0.8}-3.4)^{1.25}}\begin{array}{cc}& \end{array}\begin{array}{cccc}& & & 2000 < Pe\le 6000\end{array}\end{array}\right. $
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