Experimental Study on Uniaxial Ratcheting Fatigue Behaviour of 16MND5 Steel
摘要: 本文旨在分析材料在不同循环载荷作用下的棘轮演化规律,以指导核电站关键部件的寿命预测及结构完整性评价。针对国产反应堆压力容器用16MND5锻造贝氏体钢,在350℃下开展一系列对称和非对称应力控制试验,研究了应力幅和平均应力对棘轮行为的影响。结果表明:该合金在对称与非对称应力循环载荷下均表现出棘轮效应。应力幅值和平均应力的增加降低了疲劳寿命。循环演化表现出初始循环硬化,然后循环软化,最后加速软化。相同应力幅下,平均应力的引入促进了软化。棘轮应变不随拉伸平均应力的增加而单调增加,存在一个最不利的平均应力导致棘轮-疲劳交互最为明显。断口形貌分析表明,根据应力水平的大小,试样可分为疲劳失效和发生较大塑性应变的棘轮失效。Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the ratcheting evolution law of materials under different cyclic loads, so as to guide the life prediction and structural integrity evaluation of critical components in nuclear power plants. A series of symmetric and asymmetric stress control tests were carried out at 350°C on the domestically produced 16MND5 forged bainitic steel of reactor pressure vessel to investigate the effects of stress amplitude and mean stress on the ratcheting behavior. The results show that the alloy exhibits ratcheting effects under both symmetric and asymmetric stress cyclic loading. The increase in stress amplitude and mean stress reduces the fatigue life. The cyclic evolution exhibits initial cyclic hardening, followed by cyclic softening and finally accelerated softening. The softening is promoted by the introduction of mean stress at the same stress amplitude. Ratcheting strain does not increase monotonically with increasing tensile mean stress, and the presence of a most unfavorable mean stress leads to the most pronounced ratcheting-fatigue interaction. Fracture morphology analysis showed that, depending on the magnitude of the stress level, the specimens could be categorized into fatigue failures and ratcheting failures in which large plastic strains occurred.
Key words:
- 16MND5 steel /
- Stress cycling /
- Ratcheting effect /
- Ratcheting-fatigue interaction /
- Fracture morphology
表 1 16MDND5钢高温基本力学性能
Table 1. Basic Mechanical Properties of 16MDND5 Steel at High Temperature
Rm/MPa350 199±5 420±10 573±5 表 2 16MND5钢高温棘轮疲劳试验参数和结果
Table 2. Parameters and Results of High Temperature Ratcheting-Fatigue Tests on 16MND5 Steel
试验工况 平均应力/MPa 应力幅/MPa 循环周次 对称循环 0 400 28664 0 420 8534 0 440 3178 0 460 1355 非对称循环 −20 400 20698 −10 400 19767 10 400 21974 20 400 7131 30 400 15699 10 420 5434 10 440 2346 10 460 999* *表示应变达到引伸计极限 -
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