Progress and Considerations on Candidate Cladding Materials for Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors
摘要: 超临界水冷堆(SCWR)具有热效率高、结构简单等技术优势,是第四代核能系统国际论坛推荐的6个堆型之一。 本文首先回顾了SCWR的包壳设计要求和主要性能挑战,然后对经过较多测试的商用候选包壳材料的均匀腐蚀、应力腐蚀及辐照性能进行了回顾。铁素体/马氏体(F/M)钢、奥氏体不锈钢及镍基合金均存在某方面的性能不足。最后,介绍了近年来新兴的SCWR候选包壳材料,包括新型含铝奥氏体不锈钢、氧化物弥散强化钢、梯度材料及其他组织改进技术的研究进展。Abstract: The Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR) is one of the six reactor types recommended by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) due to its high thermal efficiency and simple structural design. This paper provides an overview of the design requirements and key performance challenges for SCWR cladding material, including the general corrosion, stress corrosion and irradiation properties of commercial candidate cladding materials that have been tested a lot. Ferrite/Martensite (F/M) steel, austenitic stainless steel and nickel-based alloy all have some performance deficiencies. Finally, the recent research progress of novel SCWR candidate cladding materials is reviewed, including alumina-forming austenitic (AFA) steels, oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels, functionally gradient materials and microstructure improvement techniques.
表 1 SCWR商用候选包壳材料及其性能比较[8]
Table 1. Comparison of SCWR Commercial Candidate Cladding Materials and Their Properties[8]
合金类型 代表材料 高温力学性能 耐高温腐蚀性能 耐高温蠕变性能 抗辐照/中子性能 F/M钢(BCC相) T91、P92、P122、HT9、NF616 优秀 较差 一般 优秀 奥氏体不锈钢(FCC相) 310S、800H、HR3C、304、316L 优秀 一般 较差 一般 镍基合金(FCC相) 690、625、PE16、 C276、X750 优秀 优秀 一般 较差 -
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