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2020 Vol. 41, No. 1

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Energy Biased Variance Reduction Method for Deep Penetration Problems
Pan Qingquan, Wang Kan
2020, 41(1): 1-6. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0001
Abstract(793) PDF(226)
The deep penetration problems are encountered when RMC (Reactor Monte Carlo) code is used to perform shielding simulation. After analyzing the transport process of neutrons in the shielding layers, an adaptive variance reduction algorithm is proposed based on the conservation of penetration rate. With the exponential or equal-gradient importance map, the spatial position and the energy of neutrons are biased simultaneously. This new method is implemented by RMC code and obtains good results in deep penetration problems, and can fully improves the efficiency of RMC code for deep penetration problems.
Experimental Research of Air-Water CCFL in Vertical Pipe Section of AP1000 Pressurizer Surge Line
Yu Jiangtao, Tian Wenxi, Su Guanghui, Qiu Suizheng
2020, 41(1): 7-14. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0007
In this study the pressurizer surge line model is replaced by a vertical pipe, and visual experiments have been carried out to investigate the characteristics of air-water Counter-Current Flow Limitation (CCFL) in the vertical pipe section. The visualization experimental phenomena shows that: local-CCFL occurring at the junction between vertical pipe and upper tank limits the liquid penetration to vertical pipe; local-CCFL occurring in the vertical pipe restricts the liquid flowing out from the vertical pipe; both local-CCFL extent increases with the increasing of air flow rate. Under low gas flow condition, the water entering the vertical pipe can flow out entirely or mostly; the local-CCFL in the vertical pipe is weak, and local-CCFL at the junction between vertical pipe and upper tank dominates the overall CCFL; the overall CCFL extent in the test section increases slightly with the increasing of the upper tank water level. Under high gas flow condition, the water entering the vertical pipe is restricted partially or completely from downwards flowing out; local-CCFL in the vertical pipe is intense, dominating the overall CCFL; the effect of upper tank water level on CCFL extent disappears. New pressurizer vertical pipe CCFL model is obtained by fitting the experimental data. The present pressurizer vertical pipe air-water CCFL data overlaps essentially with our pressurizer surge line experimental data, which indicates that CCFL-U plays a dominant role on the pressurize surge line CCFL characteristics.
Numerical Analysis of Single Phase Flow and Temperature Characteristics in 5×5 Rod Bundle with MVG and MSMG
Xie Shijie, Cao Nian, Lang Xuemei, Chen Deqi
2020, 41(1): 15-20. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0015
As one of the key components of nuclear fuel assembly, the mixing grid has an effect on thermal performance. In this paper, the single-phase flow field and temperature field of 5×5 full-length heated rod bundle with mixing van grid (MVG) and mid-span mixing grids (MSMG) are numerically analyzed and studied by CFD program, and the distribution characteristics of secondary flow field and temperature field at the outlet of the bundle section are obtained. The research shows that the downstream flow field of the grid is affected by the grid and distance, the upstream flow field of the grid has little influence on the downstream secondary flow, and the grid causes strong transverse secondary flow of the fluid. The heat exchange capability between the fluid and the heater rod is enhanced, so that the fluid temperature in the cross section of the rod bundle sub-channel is more uniform. By comparing and analyzing the experimental and calculated temperature of the 5×5 full-length rod bundle outlet sub-channel, the temperature field of the rod bundle assembly can be well analyzed by the obtained calculation model.
Numerical Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Steam in 3×3 Rod Bundles
Zhou Xuan, Zhang Zhen, Zan Yuanfeng
2020, 41(1): 21-27. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0021
In this study, the 3×3 rod bundles simulation specimen was modeled and the convective heat transfer characteristics in steam cooling condition were analyzed with CFD tools. Results show that the wall heat flux distribution along the circumferential direction of the rod bundle channel is obviously non-uniform, which means that the fluid-solid coupling method is superior to the uniform heat flux method in simulating details of heat transfer. The distributions of thermal parameters, such as steam velocity field, temperature field, heat flux and heat transfer coefficient, are affected by entrance effect, wall effect, heat source distribution and physical properties. Pressure increasing and hydrogen enhances the heat transfer capability in the rod bundles channel. The variation tendency of heat transfer coefficient along the axial direction in the heating-up section agreed well with Deissier in Reference 13. The heat transfer coefficient agreed well with the related formula in WCOBRA/TRAC code. The simulating method in this study is reasonable, and the calculation results can provide a technology support for the experimental simulator design in the future.
Effect of Different Blade Thickness of Impellers on Energy Performance of Mixed-Flow Reactor Coolant Pump
Wang Qianglei, Lai Xide, Ye Daoxing
2020, 41(1): 28-32. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0028
In order to analyze the effect of blade thickness of impeller on the energy performances and optimize the hydrodynamic performance in the mixed-flow reactor coolant pump (RCP), the 100 type mixed-flow RCP is taken as the research object. Three impellers with different blade thicknesses were designed by choosing the thickness of impeller blade as the optimization design variable. The numerical simulation and performance prediction of the original model are carried out firstly. By comparing with the experimental data of the original model, the reasonable numerical simulation method and the reliability of the performance prediction are determined. Through the whole passage's numerical calculation and analysis of three impellers with different blade thicknesses, the effect of different blade thicknesses on the external characteristics and internal flow field distribution of RCP is predicted and analyzed. The results showed that the head of RCP increases and the efficiency decreases with the decreasing of the thickness of impeller blade under the same flow condition. Because of the special structure of the space guide vane, the decreasing of the impeller blade thickness causes reflux phenomenon at the inlet of the guide vane, which increases the flow loss in the guide vane, and the pressure in the whole flow path is overall higher. Therefore, properly increasing the blade thickness is helpful to improve the efficiency of RCP with special spatial guide vane structure and ensure the reliability of the operation of RCP.
Effects of Physical Parameters on Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Heat Transfer Model of Fluoride Salt-Cooled Pebble-Bed Reactor
Bu Shanshan, Chu Tao, Zhang Shang, Sun Wan, Ma Zaiyong, Zhang Luteng
2020, 41(1): 33-36. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0033
To ensure that the predictive capability of the core heat transfer model can meet the safety constraints, the effects of fluoride salt coolant physical parameters on the uncertainty and sensitivity of the core heat transfer models are studied. Statistical uncertainty evaluation method is adopted in this paper. The physical parameters of the coolant including dynamic viscosity, density, heat capacity and thermal conductivity are taken as input parameters, and the classical heat transfer correlation is chosen as the calculation model. The uncertainty of Nu number and its sensitivity to physical parameters are obtained. The results show that the average values of the calculated Nu number are very close and the distribution forms of Nu number are both nearly the normal distributions, regardless of whether the probability distribution of input physical parameters is normal or uniform. At the same time, it is found that the dynamic viscosity is the most important physical parameter that affects the Nu number, and it is negatively correlated. Thermal conductivity is negatively correlated with Nu number. Density and heat capacity have less positive correlations with Nu number.
Investigation on Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of 316LN SS under High Temperature Water Environment
Su Haozhan, Chen Kai, Zhang Lefu, Dang Ying, Chen Le
2020, 41(1): 37-42. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0037
Corrosion fatigue behavior of SS316LN was investigated in high temperature water environment, under strain controlled loading. During the loading process, the phenomenon of first hardening and then softening occurred, and the peak stress has a drop after a rapid ascent with the rising of cycles. The fatigue life of 316LN decreases at high temperature in pure water and water with H3BO3 and LiOH, because high temperature and corrosive environment accelerated the corrosion fatigue failure of the 316LN. Under the condition of high strain amplitude, high temperature plays a major role in corrosion fatigue failure, while corrosion plays a major role in the condition of low strain amplitude. Fatigue striation, slip deformation zone and secondary crack can be observed on the cross section of the sample after the test. High temperature water corrosion environment will accelerate the crack growth and the fatigue failure of 316LN.
Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Zr-0.2Cu-xNb Alloys
Wang Jieyi, Li Qiang, Lian Aojie, Liang Xue, Peng Jianchao, Yao Meiyi
2020, 41(1): 43-48. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0043
Zr-0.2Cu-xNb (x=0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5) alloys were prepared by vacuum β-phase oil quenching, cold-rolling deformation and annealing. The superheated steam corrosion test was carried out in a static autoclave. The microstructure of the alloy and the oxide film formed by corrosion was studied by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results show that with the increasing of Nb content, the number of Zr2Cu phases in Zr-0.2Cu-xNb alloys decreases gradually, while the number of β-Zr phases increases gradually. The second phase of Zr2Cu with small size is beneficial to corrosion resistance. The β-Zr second phase promotes the generation of micro-cracks in the oxide film during oxidation and reduces the corrosion resistance of the alloy. When the Nb content in Zr-0.2Cu-xNb alloy is close to its maximum solid solubility in α-Zr, the alloy has the best corrosion resistance.
Effectiveness Assessment and Statistics of Eddy Current Signal in Measuring Oxide Layer of Fuel Rods
Cheng Xi, Zhou Guozheng, Tang Ximing, Liang Jun, Zhao Bowen
2020, 41(1): 49-53. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0049
This paper studied the optimization of online and offline ET signal processing procedure in oxide layer measurement of fuel rods by utilization of median, interquartile range and on-site inspection experience. Online verification by the calibration signal combined with the oxide layer prediction curve are proposed to assess the effectiveness of the acquisition signal. By this way, the problem of handling fuel assembly frequently can be improved. In addition, it is found that the median statistics can avoid the interference of extreme signal compared with average statistics. And most of the average interquartile range of divided 150 mm parts of three fuel rods is between 0~   3 μm. The results indicate that the oxide layer thickness level of each part can be represented well by the median.
Optimization of Shuffling Strategy for Rod Cluster Control Assemblies
2020, 41(1): 54-58. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0054
Abstract(277) PDF(132)
Shuffling strategy is not considered for the control rod assembly in the operating nuclear power plants in China at present. The position of Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (RCCAs) is fixed with fuel assembly in the core, resulting in inhomogeneous irradiation, which will affect the safe operation and economic benefits of NPPs. The paper describes the shuffling strategies with the application of CRABE V3.3 which is used in lifetime analysis of CPR1000. By comparing, if a shuffling strategy is used, the design lifetime of the power control RCCAs significantly increased to 200% and temperature control RCCAs are also improved. RCCAs can be optimized by shuffling strategy considering the situation during refueling outage. RCCAs lifetime can be optimized and the safety of NPPs can be improved in this way.
Hybrid Double Pendulum Model of Spent Fuel Assembly Grip and Seismic Response Analysis
Yuan Zhanhang, Liu Sheng, Zhou Yang
2020, 41(1): 59-64. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0059
Nuclear power plants requires the spent fuel assembly grippers to be able to withstand safety shutdown earthquake(SSE), and seismic response of grabbing process is the important basis for evaluating its safety. To analyze the seismic response of grabbing process accurately, according to the structure and working process of the spent fuel assembly gripper, the mixed-double-pendulum model of the spent fuel assembly gripper was established, and the differential equation of motion was derived. The Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the response of the gripper under seismic load. The dynamic loads on the wire rope and gripper are further obtained according to the dynamic theory, and the results are analyzed. This method offers reference for the accurate seismic design and comprehensive evaluation of the similar structure.
Analysis of Seismic Probability Fragility of Cabinet
Huang Qian, Cai Fengchun, Huang Xuan, Shen Pingchuan, Liu Jian, Chen Guo
2020, 41(1): 65-69. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0065
In order to carry out the probability fragility analysis(PSA), the probability fragility evaluation of a electrical cabinet qualified by testing was conducted based on the relationship between anti-seismic capacity of the component and the conditional failure probability, and also the lognormal characteristics of the fragility model. As a result, the median value of capacity(0.75g), logarithmic standard deviation of random(0.21), logarithmic standard deviation of uncertainty(0.50) and high confidence and low probability failure(HCLPF) value(0.23g) were obtained. The analysis method presented in this paper provides reference for successive seismic probability fragility analysis of electric equipment.
Analysis of Weld Residual Stress of J-Groove Weld in Penetrate Part
Lin Bingchi, Xu Xiao, Jin Ting, Kong Xiaofei, Liu Pan, Lu Wenjie, Nie Zhaoyu
2020, 41(1): 70-74. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0070
In nuclear power plants, the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is the main reason to cause the cracks in the control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) nozzle with the J-groove attachment weld to the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head. However, SCC is mainly driven by welding residual stresses. Thus 2D axisymmetric model is used to study the weld residual stress distribution in J-shaped groove. In order to obtain a simple, efficient and conservative method, the effect of simplification of heat source, simplification of weld geometry, weld material yield strength, phase transformation, and material hardening behavior on the welding residual stress is investigated. The research result shows that the double ellipsoid heat source and uniform heat source lead to the same weld residual stress distribution; the simplification of scale weld model to block weld model has little influence on the result, but the simplification to dumped weld model could produce relatively great variation on weld residual stress distribution; low yield strength could not obtain the conservative result; in ANSYS, the phase transformation has no effect on the stress result; the result by the isotropic hardening behavior is higher about two times than that by kinematic hardening behavior; for the welding simulation in engineering, the uniform heat source, block weld model, and isotropic hardening behavior are suggested.
Design of Dynamic Vibration Absorber for Floating Nuclear Power Station Pumps
Liu Jia, Liu Lizhi, Cai Longqi, Chen Jiu, Huang Wei, Wang Yu
2020, 41(1): 75-78. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0075
The vibrations in the line-spectrum of the floating nuclear power station pumps (the typical pump) are notable during the system operation, which increases the vibration level of the whole system. In this paper, taking the vibrations in the specific frequencies at 49 Hz of the typical pump as the research object, a dynamic vibration absorber is designed. Based on the related factors such as the system operation environment, dynamic vibration absorbing principle and installation method, this paper initiates the design parameters of the vibration absorbers, and then explores the effects of geometrical parameters, mass, damping on vibration absorption frequency band. The FEM model of the typical pump with dynamic vibration absorber is developed, which verifies the absorbing effect of dynamic vibration absorber.  The effects of mass, damping and numbers of the dynamic vibration absorber on absorbing effect are analyzed. The results show that the dynamic vibration absorber can be adjusted within the frequency range of 8~400 Hz after adding the dynamic vibration absorber, and the absorbing effect in the line-spectrum vibration of a typical pump at 49 Hz can reach 7.3 dB.
Multi-DOF Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Spent Fuel Storage Grid Based on Super-Element Technology
Wu Shijian, Shang Ertao, Liu Pan, Gao Chen, Xu Xiao, Nie Zhaoyu
2020, 41(1): 79-82. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0079
Based on ANSYS super-element analysis technology, the whole pool super-element model of spent fuel storage grid is established to simulate the grid response more accurately. Considering the effect of fluid-structure coupling between the grids, the nonlinear time-history seismic analysis of the whole pool grids is carried out, and the calculation results of jump displacement, collision acceleration and slip displacement of the grids are obtained. The super-element model seismic analysis results are extended to the detailed grids model to obtain the deformation and stress of the grids under earthquake. The method based on super-element analysis and model building can significantly improve the efficiency of calculation, and the calculation of grid response is more accurate. It can be used in the seismic design of spent fuel storage grid.
Dynamic Response and Floor Response Spectrum of AP1000 Nuclear Island under Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences
Zhao Chunfeng, Peng Tao
2020, 41(1): 83-88. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0083
Research on Technical Scheme of Safety Level DCS Simulation Verification Platform
Wu Youguang, Liu Mingming, Zhang Zipeng, Li Qian
2020, 41(1): 89-92. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0089
In order to ensure the correctness, stability and reliability of the safety level DCS, it is necessary to perform the verification during the design phase, test phase and before the use of the safety level DCS, to prevent serious design problems. This paper presents a platform technology solution for simulating and verifying safety level DCS. The simulation verification platform technology solution can realize multi-dimensional and high-reality closed-loop verification of the safety level DCS, ensuring the correctness of the internal logic of the safety level DCS and the connection with the external system.
Fuzzy-PID Control for Core Power of Liquid Molten Salt Reactor
Jiang Qingfeng, Xie Jinsen, Zeng Wenjie, Chen Lezhi
2020, 41(1): 93-98. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0093
Molten fluoride is used as the fuel in liquid molten salt reactors. The outlet temperature of the molten salt is an important index to measure the safety of the molten salt reactor. The control of the molten salt outlet temperature can be realized by core power control. The core of the liquid molten salt reactor is divided into inner and outer regions. Based on the principle of energy conservation, the core non-linear model is established, and the non-linear model is linearized by perturbation theory. Based on the core linearization model, the core power control system is designed by using the fuzzy-PID controller. Taking Molten Salt Breeder Reactor(MSBR)of molten salt breeder reactor as an example, core power control simulation is carried out. The results show that when the step reactivity of 10-3 and 2×10-3 is introduced, the fuzzy-PID controller can reduce the amplitude and overshoot of the system response. and the load of the reactor core power changes greatly, the fuzzy-PID controller can track the change of the reactor core power well. Therefore, the fuzzy PID controller has good dynamic performance and can achieve good control of the reactor core power.
NUSOLSIM: A Network-Based PWR Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Softwar
Cai Qingling, Ge Li, Shan Jianqiang
2020, 41(1): 99-103. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0099
In order to give lectures on nuclear engineering and nuclear technology without time and space restriction, this paper developed a network-based real-time PWR nuclear power plant simulation software (NUSOLSIM) using C/S model. The software modeling the system equipment of the core, primary circuit and secondary circuit of PWR nuclear power plant, has the capability to simulate typical nuclear power plant accidents in real time, with pause, save and graphic output buttons on the user interface. Finally, this paper uses NUSOLSIM software to analyze two DBC-2 events. The results show that the software has good performance in accident process analysis.
Architecture Design of Rod Position Processing Equipment for Control Rod in HPR1000 Nuclear Power Plant
Zheng Gao, Huang Kedong, Li Guoyong, Xu Mingzhou, Qing Xianguo, He Zhengxi, Li Mengshu
2020, 41(1): 104-107. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0104
Aiming at the related problems existing in the rod position processing equipment, based on the experience of the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants, the rod processing methods were studied and the rod position processing equipment for the control rod in HPR1000 Nuclear Power Plant was developed, with the following characteristics. The advanced programmable logic control system is adopted in the digital platform, enabling the full implementation of logic processing functions. Time-sharing and redundant acquisition methods are adopted to make rod position acquisition more efficient and stable. A combination of dynamic and static fault handling technology is adopted in the rod position misalignment estimation to make rod position processing more consummate.
Analysis of Effect of Design Water Temperature for Essential Service Water System on Thermal Design of Cold Chain Heat Exchanger
Zheng Gao, Huang Kedong, Li Guoyong, Xu Mingzhou, Qing Xianguo, He Zhengxi, Li Mengshu
2020, 41(1): 108-112. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0108
The design water temperature (TSEC) of essential service water system is an important parameter affecting the thermal design of the cold chain heat exchanger. With the increasing of TSEC, the thermal design conditions of the cold chain heat exchanger tend to be bad, resulting in a gradual increasing in heat exchange area and equipment size. This paper takes the typical thermal design condition of the cold chain heat exchanger as the design input. For the different TSEC, the thermal hybrid design method is adopted to obtain the plate solutions of the cold chain heat exchanger. The number of total channels of the cold chain heat exchanger, the proportion of channels, and the total heat transfer coefficient with TSEC are analyzed. It was found that for specific thermal design conditions, the cold chain heat exchanger can only achieve a perfect match of pressure drop and heat transfer margin within a certain TSEC range, and there is a critical temperature. When TSEC is higher than this temperature, the number of plates will increase rapidly, and TSEC should be avoided as much as possible above this critical temperature.
Reserch of Optimal Integrated Verification Test Program for Shaft Seal Reactor Coolant Pump of 1000 MW Nuclear Power Plant
Chen Xingjiang, Peng Fang, Cong Guohui, Fu Wei, Luo Zhiyuan
2020, 41(1): 113-116. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0113
In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the reactor coolant pump, the integrated design needs to be verified by experiments. The general idea of the design and verification of the reactor coolant pump and the test items for the engineering prototype of the reactor coolant pump are introduced in this paper. The optimal integrated verification test program of the reactor coolant pump is provided and the feasibility of the test program is analyzed. The results show that the integrated verification test for the reactor coolant pump can be achieved by using the small flow test based on the test and analysis of the modules, sub-modules, components and materials of the reactor coolant pump.
Research on Anti-Clogging Liquid Level Detection System for Radioactive Waste Liquid in Nuclear Power Plants
Fu Jiang, Liu Shengzhi, Li Su, Ma Ga
2020, 41(1): 117-121. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0117
The blow-type liquid level measuring instrument for the radioactive waste liquid treatment system in the nuclear power plant is frequently blocked, resulting in the loss of monitoring of the radioactive waste liquid level, thus affecting the efficiency of the radioactive waste liquid treatment. A new automatic purging device for preventive purging of the blown liquid level measuring instrument is added. According to the blown liquid level measuring instrument of measurement of gas path composition and clogging cycle, the purging gas path of the automatic purging device is recombined with the measuring gas path, and the purging logic ensures the purging work by setting the sequence and time interval of starting and stopping the purging work.  Only one measuring gas path is purged at a time, and the measuring function of the meter is not affected. The automatic purging device solves the problem of frequent blockage of the measuring pipeline of the blow-type liquid level meter, and finally ensures that the liquid level monitoring function of the radioactive waste liquid is available. The results show that the application of the automatic purging device is conducive to the continuous monitoring of the liquid level monitoring function of the blowing liquid level measuring instrument, without interference with the radioactive waste treatment.
Estimation of RTNDT in Reactor Pressure Vessel Forgings with Modified Hardenability Coefficient Method
Ma Meng
2020, 41(1): 122-126. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0122
The content of critical chemical elements and the value of reference nil-ductility transition temperature (RTNDT) in the manufacturing process of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) forgings were analyzed. By introducing the modified hardenability coefficient into the hardenability coefficient function, the modified function which reflected the variation rule of RTNDT was established, and an example was also given to verify the effectiveness of the modified hardenability coefficient function. This study demonstrates that by using the modified hardenability coefficient function, the RTNDT value of forgings can be predicted relatively accurately.
Effect of Clearance of Rotor-Stator Cascade on Pressure Fluctuation in Secondary Circuit Coolant Pump for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Yang Congxin, Liu Man, Wang Xiuyong, Yu Hongchang, Niu Hongjun, Qian Chen, Liu Zhidan
2020, 41(1): 127-133. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0127
In order to study the effect of the clearance of rotor-stator cascade on the pressure fluctuation in the secondary circuit coolant pump for sodium-cooled fast reactors, the unsteady numerical simulation method based on SST k-ω turbulence model was applied on five model pumps with different clearance of rotor-stator cascade. The relative clearance of rotor-stator cascade of five model pumps were 3.030%, 4.545%, 6.060%, 7.575% and 9.090%, respectively. The characteristics of pressure fluctuation and radial force on the rotor were obtained by unsteady numerical simulation, and the comparison and analysis were made. The results show that both of the head and efficiency of the pump with a relative clearance of rotor-stator cascade of 7.575% are better than those of any other four model pumps. The main frequency of the pressure fluctuation of each measuring point in the guide vane passage is the impeller blade passing frequency, and the amplitude at the impeller blade passing frequency of the pressure fluctuation of each measuring point gradually decreases along the guide vane inlet to the outlet direction. With the increasing of the clearance of rotor-stator cascade, the amplitude at the impeller blade passing frequency of the pressure fluctuation at each measuring point and the radial force fluctuation of the rotor are gradually reduced, and the high frequency fluctuation component decreases. Meanwhile, the fluctuation of the magnitude and direction of the radial force vector of the rotor is gradually weakened.
Research on Fault Diagnosis of Nuclear Power System Based on Improved Linear Learning Algorithm
Zhao Xin, Cai Qi, Zhao Xinwen, Wang Xiaolong
2020, 41(1): 134-139. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0134
Because the types of nuclear power system accidents are various and the severity of accidents is difficult to determine, the hierarchical structure and nested structure are introduced on the basis of traditional linear model. The support vector machine classification model is selected as the diagnosis model in the structure, and the linear learning merges the results. By analyzing the operation process and mechanism of the accident, the effective identification area and sensitive parameters of the corresponding type of accident are determined. The results show that the final recognition accuracy rate is more than 99%, and it can provide reference for accident diagnosis in large-scale systems.
Study on Life Extension and Re-Qualification Method for Electrical Penetration Assembly of Nuclear Power Plants
Wang Xinyu, Wang Guangjin, Zhou Tian, Qiu Xinyuan, Wang Jiangwu
2020, 41(1): 140-144. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0140
This paper takes the electric penetration assembly (EPA) of Qinshan NPP as the research object, based on the existing EPA design, manufacturing, qualification and actual operation data, combined with domestic and foreign standards, specifications and latest research results of equipment qualification, aging and life extension management of NPPs, the re-qualification method of equipment life extension of NPPs is studied. Considering the current status of aging management of 1E nuclear safety equipment such as EPA in domestic NPPs, this paper proposes the equipment aging management recommendations.
Study on Natural Removal of Hygroscopic Aerosols in Reactor Severe Accident
Lu Junjing, Zhang Tianqi, Yang Xiaoming, Ma Rubing, Yuan Yidan
2020, 41(1): 145-149. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0145
In the event of a reactor severe accident, the hygroscopic aerosols released from the reactor core will grow in the moist containment, thereby affecting their natural removal process. In this study, a growth model of the hygroscopic aerosols was developed and it was also validated in a variety of ways. The model calculation results shows that there is a humidity threshold in the growth progress of the aerosol particles due to the limit of the solubility and the aerosol particles do not absorb the water below this threshold, which is ignored by other severe accident analysis programs. Based on the severe accident condition of a third generation advanced pressurized reactor, the effects of the dry particle radius and the humidity on the aerosol particle equilibrium radius and natural removal coefficient were also investigated. The results show that the natural removal coefficient of aerosol particles decreases firstly and then increases with the increasing of the dry particle radius, and it takes the minimum value at 1 μm. At the same humidity, the dry particle radius has little effect on the max growth ratio of aerosol particles. The effects on the removal coefficients of aerosol particles with different dry particle radius are different.
Digital Processing Method Based on Numerical Differential of Nuclear Pulse Signal
Bao Chao, Gao Zhiyu, Luo Tingfang, Sun Qi, Yu Heng
2020, 41(1): 150-153. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0150
Nuclear reactor instrumentation system measures the nuclear pulse signal output by the detector. The trailing edge of the signal is very long, and the problems such as signal accumulation and baseline drift are likely to occur when the counting rate is high. Thus, the upper limit of the source range counting rate can only reach 105 Hz. Based on numerical differentiation method, this paper analyzes the output of the signal after preamplification, the signal shaping, the low-pass filtering and pulse discrimination in the time domain by digital processing technology, and the simulation is carried out based on the signal measured by the detector.  Simulation results show that, the digital processing method based on numerical differentiation can realize the identification and measurement of adjacent 0.4 μs pulse signals, and raise the upper limit of the source range counting rate to 2×106 Hz or more.
Research on Dispersion of Radionuclides in Atmosphere and Ocean after Nuclear Accident of Small Power Reactors at Sea
Ouyang Kehan, Chen Wenzhen, Shang Xueli
2020, 41(1): 154-158. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0154
In order to accurately evaluate the level of marine radioactive pollution caused by airborne nuclides released after a serious nuclear accident at sea in a small power reactor, a severe nuclear accident of the small power reactor induced by the power failure is taken as an example. A calculation model of nuclide diffusion in the atmosphere and the ocean was established to calculate the level of 137Cs radioactive pollution in the atmosphere and the ocean after the accident. The effects of airborne nuclide release height, atmospheric stability and source release ways on the marine dispersion of the nuclides were preliminarily discussed. The results indicated that at a certain release height, the time integrated concentration of nuclides in the surface seawater on the downwind axis increases with the distance, and then decreases after its maximum. Within a certain distance to the source, the higher the release location is, the smaller the time integrated concentration of the nuclides in the surface seawater is. When the distance from the source is greater than a certain distance, the more unstable the atmosphere is, the smaller the time integrated concentration of nuclides in the surface seawater is.
Analysis of Activity Concentration of 63Ni by ICP-MS and ICP-AES
Liang Banghong, Su Dongping, Zhang Jinsong, Chen Yunming, Li Bing, Li Shuntao, Li Xinzheng
2020, 41(1): 159-162. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0159
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) were used together to establish the methods of instrumental analysis and data processing. The activity concentration of 63Ni in the process of preparation of 63Ni β radioactive source from nickel metal after irradiation was measured by the established method in this paper. The measuring results were compared with that from the Liquid scintillation counting (LSC) method. The maximum relative deviation between two methods is 5.1%, and the uncertainty of the measurement results is 4.4% (k=2), which is proved that the method is accurate and feasible.
Characteristic Extraction Based on Wavelet Packet and Pattern Recognition for Ultrasonic Inspection Signals from Defects in FSW Joints Using Artificial Neural Network
Xu Jiangming, Ke Liming
2020, 41(1): 163-166. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0163
The paper regards clad defect, channel defect and lack of penetration(LOP) in the FSW joints as object, makes research on application of wavelet analysis theory in feature extraction, and uses the three feature extraction methods based on wavelet packet(WP) signal component node energy, WP node coefficients, wavelet decomposition of the power spectral density(PSD) of the defects echo signal to extract the features of the three types of defects. To assess the classification performance of the feature extraction methods above by classification criteria based on Euclidean's distance, then the features can be loaded to the artificial neural network(ANN) that is used for recognition of the defects. The result shows that the feature extraction method based on wavelet decomposition of the PSD of the defects echo signal has the best classification performance, and the ANN that use the feature gets the rate of defects recognition 85.71%.
Study on Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Radiation Shielding Based on Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
Cao Qifeng, Zhang Zhenyu, Chen Zhenping, Ma Huiqiang, Yu Tao
2020, 41(1): 167-171. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0167
In order to improve the design efficiency and the design performance of the reactor radiation shielding structure and reduce the subjective experience of the traditional radiation shielding design method, this paper studies the multi-objective optimization method of the reactor shielding structure based on the non-dominant sorting genetic algorithm. A multi-objective optimization analysis program for the reactor radiation shielding design is developed. The optimization method and the calculation program are preliminarily verified by the typical reactor radiation shielding structure model. The results show that the non-dominated genetic algorithm can be applied in the design of the radiation shielding structure correctly and effectively, and the optimization effect is remarkable.
Simultaneous Determination of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Uranium-Silicon Compound by Infrared Absorption Method and Thermal Conductivity Method
Huang Xinshu, Deng Chu, ong, Sheng Hongwu, Sun Sizhong
2020, 41(1): 172-175. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0172
The determination methods for oxygen and nitrogen in uranium-silicon compound were studied by oxygen/nitrogen analyzer. The contents of oxygen and nitrogen in uranium-silicon compounds were determined by infrared absorption method and thermal conductivity method, respectively. The effects of sampling amount, flux, heating power and analysis time on the determination of oxygen and nitrogen were investigated, and the related working parameters were optimized. When the sample dose is 0.10 g (accurate to 0.0001 g), under the condition of using nickel basket as the flux additive and 4200 W heating power, the determination range of oxygen is 0.00050%-0.365%, and the determination range of nitrogen is 0.00050%-0.026%. The linear correlation coefficients are greater than 0.999, and the relative standard deviations are better than 10%.
Application of Microwave Digestion-Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy in Analysis of Lithium Conversion Rate in Nuclear Class Resin
Lin Qinghu, Xu Tianfeng
2020, 41(1): 176-179. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0176
Conventionally, the lithium conversion rate of nuclear class resins was measured by measuring the lithium concentration after eluting lithium from the ion exchange resin with acid, which is with the problems of long analysis time and lowered analysis results. In this study, the microwave digestion-atomic absorption spectroscopy was applied in the measuring of lithium conversion rate of nuclear class ion exchange resin. The nuclear class ion exchange resin was completely digested by microwave. The lithium conversation was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The lithium conversion rate was calculated, combined with the working exchange capacity of the hydrogen type ion exchange resin. Under the optimized conditions, the recovery of standard addition, relative standard deviations and the lithium conversion rate were 99%, 0.97% (n=7) and 99.20%, respectively. The system has the advantage of less usage of ion exchange resin and accurate analysis result, which demonstrate that the present system can be applied in the measuring of lithium conversion rate of nuclear class ion exchange resin.
Assessment of Operating Characteristic of Equipment Access Hatch Lifting and Guiding Devices
Xie Honghu, Zhang Feng, Liu Xiaohua, He Yingyong, Qin Junwei, Zhang Yihan
2020, 41(1): 180-184. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0180
Focusing on the dynamics characteristics of lifting and guiding devices of equipment access hatch during opening and closing process, this paper adopts ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems) to analyze the displacement property, including different displacement of the sleeves and distortion of the guiding rails. The kinetic simulation results indicate that: under synchronous condition, the lifting and guiding devices will not be restricted. However, the maximal altitudinal difference should be controlled within 54mm under non-synchronous condition, otherwise the lifting and guiding devices will be restricted.
Research on Contact Model of Planetary Roller Screw Drive Pair Based on Hertz Contact Theory
Liu Jia, Peng Hang, Luo Ying, Zhang Yixiong, Zhu Zihao, Yan Dapeng, Fang Haoyu
2020, 41(1): 185-188. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0185
Based on Hertz contact theory, this paper studies the contact model of the planetary roller screw drive pair considering the contact characteristics of the drive pair. An analysis method is put forward to study the contact force and its distribution under the static contact state of the drive pair. The results of finite element analysis show that the method is reasonable and feasible. The method can be used for the study of the static contact characteristics of the drive pair, and provide the basis for the further research of static and dynamic characteristics of planetary roller screw.
Design Research on Efficient and Compact Steam Generator for Nuclear Power Plants
Li Lei, Zhang Fuyuan, He Gening, Wu Yang, Tian Yajing, Li Donghui
2020, 41(1): 189-193. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0189
For improving the quality and increasing efficiency of the third generation nuclear power plants, a more economical and compact new-type steam generator (ZH-J60 SG) is designed. ZH-J60 SG uses advanced technologies at the most, while ensuring the equipment safety and also paying much attention to the technical maturity in its design and manufacturing. This SG adds axial economizer and sludge collector, and adopts small vapor-liquid separator with double stages of vanes. The calculation and analysis show that recirculation ratio of secondary side flow, rating power to equipment weight ratio, outlet steam quality and operating reliability of ZH-J60 SG are much promoted. The technical performance of ZH-J60 SG reaches the top level of steam generators used for the third generation nuclear power plants, and some of the key parameters are even better.
Analysis of Control Rod Worth of Hafnium Instead of Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy
Ni Dongyang, Liu Kun, Wei Yanqin
2020, 41(1): 194-198. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0194
With the breakthrough of the separation technology of zirconium and hafnium, the nuclear-level sponge hafnium has been produced on an industrial scale, which promotes the hafnium for traditional control material replacement in the domestic nuclear power plants. From the perspective of control rod worth and material burnup properties, this paper performed neutronic analysis and discussed the possibility of replacing AIC control rod with natural hafnium (Hf), hafnium boride (HfB2), hydrogenated hafnium (HfHX) and hafnium oxide(HfO2). The analysis results indicated that: from the perspective of increasing the control rods worth, the priority of replacing AIC is HfB2>HfH3>Hf; From the perspective of engineering application, Hf would be applied to domestic mainstream power plants as the next generation control rod materials for Silver-Indium-Cadmium replacement (AIC).
Experiment and Numerical Study on Natural Convective Heat Transfer with Bottom Curved Heating Section Experiment and Numerical Study on Natural Convective Heat Transfer with Bottom Curved Heating Section
2020, 41(1): 199-204. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2020.01.0199
In order to precisely predict the heat transfer characteristics of the upper head of steal containment of small modular reactor under accidents, a natural convection device with bottom curved heating surface in a rectangular enclosure was designed to study the effect on the fluid temperature derived from thermal conductivity. Based on the OpenFOAM, the numerical simulation method was used to compare and analyze the performance of the existing two kinds of turbulence models and three kinds of turbulent heat flux models, and to select the appropriate numerical model. The result shows that the flow along the curve will be influenced by the boundary layer, and the intensity of natural convection will be decreased firstly and then increased again along the curve surface from upper position to both sides. The effect of conductivity on the temperature distribution of curve surface is larger than that on the fluid temperature distribution beyond the heating section. Through the revised AFM, the parameters were subjected to empirical correction, improvement and re-verification by sensitivity analysis of the model parameters and comparison of experimental data. A turbulence model suitable for natural convective heat transfer with bottom curved heating surface in a rectangular enclosure is obtained.