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Volume 45 Issue S2
Jan.  2025
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Liu Hongquan, Xiang Fengrui, Wu Yingwei, He Yanan, Zhang Jing, Su Guanghui. Study on Simulation Technology of Cracking and Blistering of Particle Dispersed Plate Fuel Element[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2024, 45(S2): 84-92. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.S2.0084
Citation: Liu Hongquan, Xiang Fengrui, Wu Yingwei, He Yanan, Zhang Jing, Su Guanghui. Study on Simulation Technology of Cracking and Blistering of Particle Dispersed Plate Fuel Element[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2024, 45(S2): 84-92. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.S2.0084

Study on Simulation Technology of Cracking and Blistering of Particle Dispersed Plate Fuel Element

doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2024.S2.0084
  • Received Date: 2024-07-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-09-26
  • Publish Date: 2025-01-06
  • Cracking and blistering may occur when the particle dispersed plate fuel element runs in the reactor, which affects the safety of fuel and nuclear reactor. In this paper, numerical simulation research on cracking and blistering of particle dispersed plate fuel element is carried out. To realize the cracking analysis and blistering simulation from the fine-scale fuel particles to the macro-scale fuel elements, this paper first establishes a set of multi-dimensional multi-scale coupled simulation methods. With the multi-scale coupling scheme from fine-scale fuel particles to the macro-scale fuel element, the fuel element cracking risk region determination is realized. Based on the multi-dimensional coupling system that includes a 3D fuel element, a 1D coolant, and a 2D fuel slice, the extended finite element method (XFEM) is applied to realize the 2D cracking and blistering simulation of the fuel element. To accurately judge the occurrence of blistering, a fission gas internal pressure model is established in this paper, which is combined with the 2D extended finite element. Finally, the crack extension simulation of macroscopic fuel elements under thermal shock conditions is realized, and the temperature at which blistering occurs is predicted to be about 790 K when the fuel burnup is 120 MW·d·kg−1(U).


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