Condition Prediction of Reactor Coolant Pump in Nuclear Power Plants based on the Combination of ARIMA and LSTM
摘要: 为了对核电厂主泵的运行过程进行监测和追踪,进而提高主泵的预警能力,提出了基于差分自回归移动平均(ARIMA)和长短期记忆(LSTM)神经网络组合模型的主泵状态预测方法,并用该方法对某核电厂主泵止推轴承温度和可控泄漏流量进行单步和多步预测,以根均方误差(RMSE)为指标对预测精度进行评估。结果表明,所建立的ARIMA和LSTM神经网络组合模型能够对主泵的状态进行准确的预测和追踪,并且组合模型的预测精度要优于ARIMA和LSTM单一模型,尤其在多步预测中,组合模型的优势更加明显。Abstract: To monitor and track the operation process and improve the early warning of the reactor coolant pump (RCP) in nuclear power plants (NPPs), a hybrid RCP condition prediction approach based on autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network is proposed in this paper. This method is used to predict the thrust bearing temperature and controllable leakage flow of the RCP of a nuclear power plant in one step and multiple steps, and the prediction accuracy is evaluated with the root mean square error (RMSE) as the index. The results show that the combination model of ARIMA and LSTM neural network can accurately predict and track the state of the RCP, and the prediction accuracy of the combination model is better than that of single ARIMA or LSTM model, especially in the multi-step prediction, the advantage of the combination model is more obvious.
Key words:
- LSTM /
- Combination model /
- Reactor coolant pump /
- Time series prediction /
- Condition monitoring
表 1 LSTM网络超参数
Table 1. Hyperparameters of LSTM Network
超参数 设置情况 LSTM层数 1 初始学习率 0.005 学习速率衰减系数 0.2 隐藏层神经元个数 20 输入序列长度 20 输出序列长度 {1, 5, 10} 迭代次数 500 目标函数 均方根误差(RMSE) 训练优化算法 Adam 表 2 单一预测模型的权值
Table 2. Weight of Each Prediction Model
预测步数 1步 5步 10步 止推轴承温度 $ {\omega }_{\mathrm{A}} $ 0.6637 0.7020 0.5020 $ {\omega }_{\mathrm{L}} $ 0.3363 0.2980 0.4980 可控泄漏流量 $ {\omega }_{\mathrm{A}} $ 0.6061 0.7935 0.7798 $ {\omega }_{\mathrm{L}} $ 0.3939 0.2065 0.2202 表 3 组合模型与单一模型预测效果对比
Table 3. Comparison of Prediction Performance between Combination Model and Single Model
预测参量 预测模型 RMSE 1步 5步 10步 止推轴承温度 ARIMA 0.0221 0.0511 0.0782 LSTM 0.0237 0.0579 0.0782 组合模型 0.0215 0.0494 0.0728 可控泄漏流量 ARIMA 0.0343 0.0373 0.0460 LSTM 0.0348 0.0410 0.0539 组合模型 0.0340 0.0370 0.0407 -
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