Study on Method of Pneumatic Test for Pressure Vessels in NPP Nuclear Island
摘要: 法系核电厂核岛压力容器根据在役检查规范和大纲的要求需要实施定期水压试验,但部分容器由于系统设计的原因不能用液体实施水压试验,只能执行气压试验。本文对比分析了国内外规范对于气压试验的实施要求,并结合核岛安装阶段的气压试验过程,选定了核岛压力容器气压试验的试验压力、试验介质、验收标准等;同时结合容器水压试验的风险分析和辐射防护要求,制定气压试验的防护措施。根据以上试验参数与风险防护措施,在某核电厂核岛成功实施了压力容器气压试验,为后续的在役阶段核岛压力容器气压试验提供重要参考。Abstract: According to the requirements of the in-service inspection code and program, periodic hydrostatic test should be carried out for the nuclear island pressure vessels of the French-system nuclear power plant. However, due to the reasons of system design, some vessels can not be subject to hydrostatic test with liquid, but can only be subject to pneumatic test. In this paper, the implementation requirements of pneumatic test in domestic and foreign codes are compared and analyzed, and combined with the process of pneumatic test in the stage of nuclear island installation, the test pressure, test medium and acceptance standard of nuclear island pressure vessel are selected. At the same time, combined with the risk analysis and radiation protection requirements of the vessel hydrostatic test, the protective measures for the pneumatic test are formulated. According to the above test parameters and risk protection measures, the pressure vessel pneumatic test is successfully carried out in the nuclear island of a nuclear power plant, providing important reference for the pressure vessel pneumatic test of the nuclear island in the subsequent in-service phase.
Key words:
- Pressure vessels /
- Pneumatic test /
- Test pressure /
- Risk analysis
表 1 压力容器气压试验相关法规和标准
Table 1. Relevant Regulations and Standards for Pneumatic Test of Pressure Vessels
法规和标准 国家 适用范围 气压试验的相关要求 RSE-M 法国 核级、在役 无相关要求 RCC-M 法国 核级、制造 2000 版规定,非高能部件可实施气压试验且试验压力不超过4 bar.g;2007 版删除气压试验规定 ASME XI 卷 美国 核级、在役 试验压力为系统泄漏试验压力 ASME III 卷 美国 核级、制造 试验压力为1.1倍设计压力。升至50%试验压力后,10%逐级升压,至少保压10 min YVL E.3 芬兰 核级、在役 试验压力为设计压力的1.1倍 EN13445-5 欧洲 常规、制造 按类别,1、2类试验压力为1.1倍设计压力。升至50%试验压力后,10%逐级升压,至少保压10 min GB150 中国 常规、制造 试验压力为设计压力的1.1倍乘以许用应力的比值。试验时先升压至试验压力的10%,保压5 min;无泄漏后,再升压至试验压力的50%,其后按10%逐级升压,保压10 min -
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