Research on Space Mapping Control Algorithm of Master-slave Equipment in Teleoperation Mode of Underwater Robot
摘要: 为了安全高效地完成水下清洗工作,提出了一种核电厂水下用机器人清洗装置,该装置基于UR5水下用串联机器人实现。通过介绍该机器人的控制系统组成,分析了主从端的关节空间和工作空间。同时在遥操作模式下,分析主从端关节空间映射算法和工作空间映射算法,并基于两种映射控制算法进行遥操作试验,综合对比试验结果。最后根据核电厂水下清洗任务需要,主要采取响应速度较快的关节空间映射算法用于遥操作模式下的主从端控制。Abstract: In order to complete the underwater cleaning work safely and efficiently, this paper proposes an underwater robot cleaning device for nuclear power plants, which is based on UR5 underwater serial robot. The control system of the robot is introduced, and the joint space and workspace of the master and slave are analyzed. At the same time, in the teleoperation mode, the master-slave joint space mapping algorithm and workspace mapping algorithm are analyzed, and teleoperation experiments are carried out based on the two mapping control algorithms, and the test results are compared comprehensively. Finally, according to the needs of the underwater cleaning task of the nuclear power plant, the joint space mapping algorithm with fast response is selected for the master-slave control in the teleoperation mode.
表 1 Touch设备关节变量约束空间
Table 1. Joint Variable Constraint Space of Touch Device
变量θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 θ5 θ6 约束
空间−55°~55° −100°~0° −72°~48° −160°~120° −60°~60° −147°~149° θi—Touch设备第i个关节当前角度 表 2 从端UR5机器人关节变量约束空间
Table 2. Joint Variable Constraint Space of Slave UR5 Robot
关节变量 α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 α6 约束空间 −180°~180° 35°~140° −150°~150° −120°~120° −180°~180° −180°~180° αi—UR5机器人第i个关节期望角度 -
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