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颜建国 郑书闽 郭鹏程 赵莉 王帅 刘坤 朱旭涛

颜建国, 郑书闽, 郭鹏程, 赵莉, 王帅, 刘坤, 朱旭涛. 基于机器学习的螺旋流动过冷沸腾CHF预测研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2023, 44(3): 65-73. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0065
引用本文: 颜建国, 郑书闽, 郭鹏程, 赵莉, 王帅, 刘坤, 朱旭涛. 基于机器学习的螺旋流动过冷沸腾CHF预测研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2023, 44(3): 65-73. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0065
Yan Jianguo, Zheng Shumin, Guo Pengcheng, Zhao Li, Wang Shuai, Liu Kun, Zhu Xutao. Research on Prediction of Subcooled Flow Boiling CHF for Spiral Flow Based on Machine Learning[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2023, 44(3): 65-73. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0065
Citation: Yan Jianguo, Zheng Shumin, Guo Pengcheng, Zhao Li, Wang Shuai, Liu Kun, Zhu Xutao. Research on Prediction of Subcooled Flow Boiling CHF for Spiral Flow Based on Machine Learning[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2023, 44(3): 65-73. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0065


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2023.03.0065
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51909213);陕西省教育厅科研计划项目(21JY029);陕西高校青年科技创新团队(2020-29);陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2022JM-211)

    颜建国(1987—),男,博士研究生,副教授,主要从事多相流动与传热方面研究,E-mail: jgyan@xaut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TL331;TK124

Research on Prediction of Subcooled Flow Boiling CHF for Spiral Flow Based on Machine Learning

  • 摘要: 过冷沸腾广泛应用于以国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)为代表的高热流冷却场合。本文聚焦高热流、螺旋流动条件下水的过冷沸腾临界热流密度(CHF)的预测方法,建立了该类工况下的过冷沸腾CHF实验数据库。选用了4种典型机器学习模型:反向传播(BP)神经网络、遗传算法( GA )-BP神经网络、 径向基函数(RBF)神经网络和极限学习机(ELM);利用传统的经验关联式和新兴的机器学习方法对螺旋流动过冷沸腾CHF进行预测研究。经与实验数据库对比,结果表明,相关机器学习模型能够有效预测螺旋流动过冷沸腾CHF,其预测性能相较于传统的经验关联式有大幅提升,其中ELM模型预测效果最优,平均绝对误差和均方根误差分别为2.79%和4.22%。研究成果为高热流螺旋流动过冷沸腾CHF的准确预测提供了新途径。


  • 图  1  扭带结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic Diagram of Twisted Tape

    图  2  BP神经网络示意图

    X—输入向量,X=[x1, x2, …, xn];Y—输出向量,Y=[y1, y2, …, yn]

    Figure  2.  Schematic of BP Neural Network

    图  3  GA-BP神经网络程序流程图

    Figure  3.  Flow Chart of GA-BP Neural Network Program

    图  4  RBF神经网络示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic of RBF Neural Network

    图  5  不同隐含层神经元数目预测性能对比(BP,GA-BP)

    Figure  5.  Prediction Performance of Different Neuron Number in Hidden Layer (BP, GA-BP)

    图  6  不同隐含层神经元数目预测性能对比(ELM)

    Figure  6.  Prediction Performance of Different Neuron Number in Hidden Layer (ELM)

    图  7  预测集的预测值与实验值比较

    Figure  7.  Comparison between the Prediction Set’s Prediction and Experimental Results

    图  8  机器学习模型的预测性能对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of Prediction Performance of Machine Learning Models

    表  1  高热流条件下内插扭带管的过冷水流动沸腾CHF数据

    Table  1.   CHF Data for Subcooled Water Flow in Twisted-Tape Tubes under High Heat Fluxes

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    表  2  内插扭带管的高热流CHF经验关联式

    Table  2.   Empirical Correlation of High Heat Flow CHF in Twisted-Tape Tube

    Drizius[23]${q_{ {\text{cr, TT} } } } = \dfrac{G}{ { { {(2y)}^{0.1} } } }\left( {\dfrac{ {1.7 \times { {10}^5} } }{\xi } + \dfrac{ {17.3\xi } }{ { {4^{0.01\xi } } } } } \right), \xi=L / d_{\mathrm{h}}$d=1.6 mm, p=0.4~1.4 MPa,
    G=4000~25000 kg/(m²·s), y=1~5
    Schlosser[24]${q_{ {\text{cr,TT} } } } = 0.23{f_{ {\text{TT} } } }\left[ {1 + 0.00216{ {\left( {\dfrac{ { {p } } }{ { {p_{ {\text{cr} } } } } } } \right)}^{1.8} }R{e^{0.5} }Ja} \right]G{h_{ {\text{fg} } } }\\ f = 8{\left( { { { {d } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom { { {d_{\text{h} } } } { {d_0} } } } \right. } { {d_0} } } } \right)^{0.32} }R{e^{ - 0.6} } ,Ja = \dfrac{ { {c_p}\Delta {T_{ {\text{sub} } } } } }{ { {h_{ {\text{fg} } } } } }\dfrac{ { {\rho _{\text{l} } } } }{ { {\rho _{\text{g} } } } }\\Re = \dfrac{ { {u_{\text{r} } }{d_{\text{h} } } } }{\mu },{u_{\text{r} } } = u{\left( {1 + \dfrac{ { { {\text{π} }^2} } }{ {4{y^2} } } } \right)^{0.5} } , p_{ {\rm{cr} } }=22.1 \;\mathrm{MPa}, d_0=12.7 \;\mathrm{mm}$d=3~10 mm, p=6.9~13.8 MPa,
    G=700~6000 kg/(m²·s)
    Koski[25]${q_{ {\text{cr,TT} } } } = 0.23{f_{ {\text{TT} } } }\left[ {1 + 0.00216{ {\left( {\dfrac{p}{ { {p_{ {\text{cr} } } } } } } \right)}^{1.8} }R{e^{0.5} }Ja} \right]G{h_{ {\text{fg} } } }\\ f = 8{\left( {\dfrac{ { {d_{\text{h} } } }}{ { {d} } } } \right)^{0.32} }R{e^{ - 0.6} },Ja = \dfrac{ { {c_p}\Delta {T_{ {\text{sub} } } } } }{ { {H_{ {\text{fg} } } } } }\dfrac{ { {\rho _{\text{l} } } }}{ { {\rho _{\text{g} } } }} \\{ { {f_{ {\text{TT} } } }} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom { { {f_{ {\text{TT} } } }} f} } \right. } f} = 2.2{y^{ - 0.406} },p_{ {\rm{cr} } }=22.1 \;\mathrm{MPa}, d_0=12.7 \;\mathrm{mm}$d=3~10 mm, p=6.9~13.8 MPa,
    G=700~6000 kg/(m²·s)
    Nariai-Inasaka[26]$\begin{gathered} {q_{ {\text{cr, TT} } } } = {q_{ {\text{cr, smooth} } } }{\left[ {1 + 0.01\theta \exp \left( { - {p^2} } \right)} \right]^{1/6} } \\ \theta = \dfrac{ { { {\text{π} }^2}u_{ {\text{ax} } }^2} }{ {2g{d_{\text{i} } }{y^2} } }{\text{; } }{u_{ {\text{ax} } } } = \dfrac{G}{ { {\rho _{\text{m} } } }};{\text{ } }{\rho _{\text{m} } } = {\left( {\dfrac{ {x'} }{ { {\rho _{\text{g} } } }} + \dfrac{ {1 - x'} }{ { {\rho _{\text{l} } } } } } \right)^{ - 1} } \\ \end{gathered}$d=3.45~10.02 mm, p=0.1~3.8 MPa,
    u=4.5~47.5 m/s, y=2.08~∞
    Arment[27]$ \begin{gathered} {q_{{\text{cr, TT}}}} = {q_{{\text{cr, smooth}}}}{\left[ {1 + 0.7\theta \exp \left( { - 0.09{{{\rho _{\text{l}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\rho _{\text{l}}}} {{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}} \right. } {{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}} \right)} \right]^{0.14}} \\ {q_{{\text{cr, smooth}}}} = f\left( {p,G,x} \right){k_{\text{d}}}{k_{\text{L}}} \\ {k_{\text{d}}} = {\left( {{d \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {d {8{\text{ mm}}}}} \right. } {8{\text{ mm}}}}} \right)^{ - 0.5}};{\text{ }}{k_{\text{L}}} = \exp ({d \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {d L}} \right. } L}){\text{ (if }}{d \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {d L}} \right. } L} \leqslant 0.2,{\text{ }}x \leqslant 0) \\ \end{gathered} $G=678~7845 kg/(m²·s), d=4.4~11.51 mm,
    p=0.8~14.7 MPa, y=1.93~445
    Yan[11]$ \begin{gathered} {q_{{\text{cr, TT}}}} = {q_{{\text{cr, smooth}}}}{\left[ {1 + 0.7\theta \exp \left( { - 0.09{{{\rho _{\text{l}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\rho _{\text{l}}}} {{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}} \right. } {{\rho _{\text{g}}}}}} \right)} \right]^{0.14}} \\ {q_{{\text{cr, smooth}}}} = f\left( {p,G,x} \right){k_{\text{d}}} \\ {k_{\text{d}}} = {\left( {{d \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {d {8{\text{ mm}}}}} \right. } {8{\text{ mm}}}}} \right)^{ - 0.5}} \\ \end{gathered} $G=678~7845 kg/(m²·s), d=4.4~11.51 mm,
    p=0.8~14.7 MPa, y=1.93~445
      qcr, TT—临界热流密度(内插扭带管);qcr, smooth—临界热流密度(光滑管);Ja—雅各布数;cp—定压比热容;Re—雷诺数;μ—动力粘度;ur—合成速度;pcr—临界压力;ρl—液相密度;ρg—汽相密度;ρm—平均流体密度;f—光滑管摩擦阻力系数;fTT—扭带管摩擦阻力系数;θ—离心力影响因子;uax—修正速度;kd—直径因素校正因子;kL—长度因素校正因子;u—流速;g—重力加速度;x′—真实干度
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    表  3  经验关联式CHF预测性能

    Table  3.   Prediction Performance of Empirical Correlations for CHF

    Tong 75-Ⅰ74.013105.02
    Tong 75-Ⅱ125.21163.49
    Modified Arment18.2723.24
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    表  4  机器学习模型的预测性能

    Table  4.   Prediction Performance of Machine Learning Models      

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