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李良星 许向阳 向祖涛 石尚 雷振欣

李良星, 许向阳, 向祖涛, 石尚, 雷振欣. 冷却条件下液态铅横流管束流动传热特性研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2025, 46(1): 116-127. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0116
引用本文: 李良星, 许向阳, 向祖涛, 石尚, 雷振欣. 冷却条件下液态铅横流管束流动传热特性研究[J]. 核动力工程, 2025, 46(1): 116-127. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0116
Li Liangxing, Xu Xiangyang, Xiang Zutao, Shi Shang, Lei Zhenxin. Investigation on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid Lead Cross-flow Tube Bundle under Cooling Conditions[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2025, 46(1): 116-127. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0116
Citation: Li Liangxing, Xu Xiangyang, Xiang Zutao, Shi Shang, Lei Zhenxin. Investigation on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid Lead Cross-flow Tube Bundle under Cooling Conditions[J]. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2025, 46(1): 116-127. doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0116


doi: 10.13832/j.jnpe.2025.01.0116
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2020YFB1902100)

    李良星(1979—),副教授,博士,现主要从事反应堆严重事故实验和理论方面研究,E-mail: liangxing.li@xjtu.edu.cn


    李良星,E-mail: liangxing.li@xjtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TL334

Investigation on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid Lead Cross-flow Tube Bundle under Cooling Conditions

  • 摘要: 液态金属冷却剂在主换热器内的流动传热特性对铅冷快堆的高效安全经济运行具有重要影响。本研究针对螺旋盘管式换热器中管束布置特征,建立了液态铅横流管束二维分析模型,对比分析了适用于液态铅横流管束流动的湍流普朗特数模型,采用数值模拟方法研究了液态铅横流冲刷换热管束的流动传热特性。结果表明,随着入口雷诺数的增大,液态铅在管间的时均速度分布曲线下凹程度增加,回流区内无量纲壁温的差异增大,并且涡旋对管壁180°附近区域的扰动增强。液态铅在横掠管束时的综合流动换热性能与螺旋盘管横向节径比呈正相关关系,与进口雷诺数呈负相关关系。基于数值模拟研究结果提出了液态铅横流错排管束的传热关联式,其预测误差在10%以内。


  • 图  1  后台阶模型几何示意图(延长段未示意)


    Figure  1.  Geometric Diagram of the Back Step Model (Extension Section is not Shown)

    图  2  x/H = 3处基于4种湍流模型计算的u*、v*和k*


    Figure  2.  Variation of u*, v* and k* under 4 Turbulence Models at x/H = 3

    图  3  液态铅横流管束几何模型示意图


    Figure  3.  Schematic Diagram of Geometric Model of Liquid Lead Cross-flow Tube Bundle

    图  4  第6排第3列管上各参数随时间的变化

    Figure  4.  Variation of Parameters of the Tubes in Row 6 and Column 3 with Time

    图  5  液态铅横流管束网格无关性验证结果

    Figure  5.  Results of Grid Independence Verification for Liquid Lead Cross-flow Tube Bundle

    图  6  不同湍流普朗特数模型下管壁时均温度分布


    Figure  6.  Time-average Temperature Distribution of Tube Wall for Different Turbulence Prandtl Number Models

    图  7  Kalish实验[24]几何模型示意图

    Figure  7.  Schematic Diagram of the Kalish Test Geometry Model

    图  8  不同湍流普朗特数模型努塞尔数计算结果与实验数据的对比


    Figure  8.  Comparison of Nusselt Number Calculations using Different Turbulence Prandtl Number Models with Experimental Data

    图  9  工况1~工况5管间最小面积处液态铅时均速度分布

    Figure  9.  Time-average Velocity Distribution of Liquid Lead at the Minimum Area between Tubes under Operating Conditions 1 to 5

    图  10  工况1~工况5管壁无量纲时均壁温分布

    Figure  10.  Dimensionless Wall-averaged Temperature Distribution on the Tube Walls under Operating Conditions 1 to 5

    图  11  工况1~工况5条件下液态铅流动传热性能变化

    Figure  11.  Variation of Flow and Heat Transfer Performance of Liquid Lead under Operating Conditions 1 to 5

    图  12  工况3、6、7、11条件下管壁无量纲时均壁温分布

    Figure  12.  Dimensionless Wall-averaged Temperature Distribution on the Tube Walls under Operating Conditions 3, 6, 7 and 11

    图  13  工况3、6、7条件下液态铅流动传热性能变化

    Figure  13.  Variation of Flow and Heat Transfer Performance of Liquid Lead under Operating Conditions 3, 6, and 7

    图  14  工况3、8、9、10条件下换热管时均壁温分布

    Figure  14.  Wall-averaged Temperature Distribution on the Heat Exchange Tubes under Operating Conditions 3, 8, 9 and 10

    图  15  工况3、8、9、10条件下液态铅性能变化

    Figure  15.  Variation of Liquid Lead Performance under Operating Conditions 3, 8, 9, and 10

    图  16  工况1~工况5条件下液态铅性能变化

    Figure  16.  Variation of Liquid Lead Performance under Operating Conditions 1 to 5

    图  17  传热关联式预测值与数值模拟结果的对比

    Figure  17.  Comparison between Predicted Values from Heat Transfer Correlations and Numerical Simulation Results

    表  1  湍流普朗特数模型汇总

    Table  1.   Summary of Turbulence Prandtl Number Models

    分类 提出者 模型
    第一类湍流普朗特数模型 Aoki(1963)[10] $ Pr_{\text{t}}^{ - 1} = 0.014R{e^{0.45}}P{r^{0.2}}\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - \dfrac{1}{{0.014R{e^{0.45}}P{r^{0.2}}}}} \right)} \right] $ (7)
    Reynolds(1975)[11] $P{r_{\text{t}}} = \left( {1 + 100P{e^{ - 0.5}}} \right)\left( {\dfrac{1}{{1 + 120R{e^{ - 0.5}}}} - 0.15} \right)$ (8)
    Jiacha&Rieke(1979)[12] $P{r_{\text{t}}} = 0.9 + \dfrac{{182.4}}{{PrR{e^{0.888}}}}$ (9)
    Cheng&Tak(2006)[13] $ \begin{gathered} P{r_{\text{t}}} = \left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} 4.12 & {{ Pe}} \leqslant 1000 \\ \dfrac{{0.01Pe}}{{{{\left[ {0.018P{e^{0.8}} - \left( {7.0 - A} \right)} \right]}^{1.25}}}}{\text{ }} & 1000{{ < Pe}} \leqslant 6000 \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \;\;\; A = \left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} 5.4 - 9 \times {10^{ - 4}}{{Pe }} & 1000 < Pe \leqslant 2000 \\ 3.6{\text{ }} & 2000 < Pe \leqslant 6000 \\ \end{array} \right. \\ \end{gathered} $ (10)
    Taler(2017)[14] $Pr_t^{ - 1} = 0.01592R{e^{0.45}}P{r^{0.2}}\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - \dfrac{1}{{0.01592R{e^{0.45}}P{r^{0.2}}}}} \right)} \right]$ (11)
    第二类湍流普朗特数模型 Kays&Crawford(1993)[15] $Pr_{\text{t}}^{ - 1} = 0.5882 + 0.228\dfrac{{{\varepsilon _M}}}{\nu } - 0.0441{\left( {\dfrac{{{\varepsilon _M}}}{\nu }} \right)^2}\left[ {1 - \exp \left( {\dfrac{{ - 5.165}}{{{{{\varepsilon _M}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{\varepsilon _M}} \nu }} \right. } \nu }}}} \right)} \right]$ (12)
    Kays(1994)[16] $P{r_{\text{t}}} = 0.85 + \dfrac{2}{{P{e_{\text{t}}}}},{\text{ }}\quad P{e_{\text{t}}} = Pr\dfrac{{{\varepsilon _M}}}{\nu }$ (13)
    Weigand(1997)[17] $\begin{gathered} Pr_{\text{t}}^{ - 1} = \dfrac{1}{{2P{r_{{\text{t}}\infty }}}} + C \cdot P{e_{\text{t}}}\sqrt {\dfrac{1}{{P{r_{{\text{t}}\infty }}}}} - {\left( {C \cdot P{e_{\text{t}}}} \right)^2}\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - \dfrac{1}{{CP{e_{\text{t}}}\sqrt {P{r_{{\text{t}}\infty }}} }}} \right)} \right] \\ P{r_{{\text{t}}\infty }} = 0.85 + \dfrac{{100}}{{PrR{e^{0.888}}}} \\ \end{gathered} $ (14)
    Lei(2022)[18] $P{r_{\mathrm{t}}} = 0.85 + \dfrac{{2.5}}{{P{e_{\mathrm{t}}}}},{\text{ }} \quad P{e_{\mathrm{t}}} = Pr\dfrac{{{\varepsilon _M}}}{\nu }$ (15)
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    表  2  冷却条件下液态铅横流管束数值计算工况

    Table  2.   Numerical Calculation of Liquid Lead Cross-flow Tube Bundle under Cooling Condition

    工况 工质 Rein Pr qw/(W·m−2 S1/D Revmax Nu
    1 液态铅 9.13×103 0.015 −3×105 1.4 2.25×104 20.67
    2 液态铅 2.28×104 0.015 −5×105 1.4 6.45×104 30.63
    3 液态铅 3.65×104 0.015 −8×105 1.4 1.07×105 40.82
    4 液态铅 5.00×104 0.015 −2×106 1.4 1.49×105 53.00
    5 液态铅 8.00×104 0.015 −2×106 1.4 2.50×105 71.99
    6 液态铅 1.20×105 0.007 −8×105 1.4 1.72×105 36.98
    7 液态铅 1.20×105 0.025 −8×105 1.4 7.44×104 40.93
    8 液态铅 1.20×105 0.015 −8×105 1.6 8.86×104 32.98
    9 液态铅 1.20×105 0.015 −8×105 1.8 7.52×104 33.61
    10 液态铅 1.20×105 0.015 −8×105 2.0 6.75×104 30.17
    11 液态水 3.69×104 1.000 −8×105 1.4 1.08×105 473.86
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    表  3  传热关联式汇总

    Table  3.   Summary of Heat Transfer Correlations

    研究者 工质 传热关联式
    Rickard[19] Hg $Nu = 4.03 + 0.228Pe_{{{v}}\max }^{0.67}$ (21)
    Hsu[21] Hg $Nu = 0.958{\left( {\dfrac{{{\phi _1}}}{D}} \right)^{0.5}}Pe_{{v_{\max }}}^{0.5}{\left( {\dfrac{U}{{{U_{\max }}}}} \right)^{0.5}}$ (22)
    Dywer[23] Hg $Nu = 5.36 + 0.1974Pe_{v\max }^{0.682}$ (23)
    Kalish[24] NaK $Nu = {\left( {\dfrac{{{\phi _1}}}{D}} \right)^{0.5}}{\left( {1 - \dfrac{D}{P}} \right)^{0.5}}\left( {5.44 + 0.228Pe_{v\max }^{0.614}} \right)$ (24)
    Chernysh[25] Pb $Nu = 0.9 + 0.036P e_{v\max }^{0.8}$ (25)
      Umax—管间最小面积处平均流速,m/s;$\phi _1 $/D—与管束排布相关的解析解;P—常数
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    表  4  拟合参数信息

    Table  4.   Fitting Parameter Information

    参数信息 a b c
    数值 13.81742 0.04143 0.87505
    标准误差 3.98418 0.06108 0.12104
    95%置信区间下限 −4.86112 −0.20439 0.32226
    95%置信区间上限 29.42395 0.32124 1.36384
    相关性 0.96543 0.99961 0.99953
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    表  5  拟合统计信息

    Table  5.   Fitting Statistics

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