Analysis and Verification of Vibration Faults for Main Pump Motor
摘要: 主泵电机振动超标问题严重影响了主泵的运行安全。为确保主泵运行安全,采用根本原因分析方法,通过故障树梳理出主泵电机振动的可能原因,并依次进行分析和查找,从而确定了主泵电机振动的故障机理,并采用电磁振动耦合有限元分析进行仿真计算,最终通过调整定子铁芯位置、关键环节控制等方式,彻底解决了主泵电机振动超标问题。维修后主泵电机经过2年连续运行,始终满足运行技术要求,为今后处理同类型设备的振动问题提供了参考。Abstract: The excessive vibration seriously affects the safe operation of the main pump. To ensure the safe operation of the main pump, root cause analysis technology is adopted to sort out the possible causes of motor vibration of the main pump through fault trees. And the fault mechanism is determined through analysis and searching. Meanwhile the cause was simulated by electromagnetic vibration coupling finite element analysis. Finally, by the adjustment of the position of the stator core and the control of key links, the problem of excessive vibration of the main pump motor was completely solved. After maintenance, the main pump motor has been running continuously for two years, and it has always met the technical requirements for operation, which provides a reference for dealing with the vibration problems of the same type of equipment in the future.
表 1 主泵电机安装及验收标准
Table 1. Main Pump Motor Installation and Acceptance Standards
运行参数 安装参数 振动值/
(mm·s−1)温度/℃ 对中
轴承间隙/mm轴窜/mm ≤2.8 ≤70 ≤0.2 0 ≤0.02 ≤0.05 表 2 电机前十阶频率(部分)
Table 2. First 10 Frequencies of the Motor in Part
模态 频率/Hz 一阶 60.5 二阶 62.9 三阶 68.2 七阶 291.9 八阶 302.1 十阶 428.6 -
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